Escape to the “Peaceful Side of the Smokies” with a gorgeous race through the woods. The Great Smoky Mountains Half Marathon is a stunning race with sweeping panoramic views of the Smoky Mountains and Tennessee countryside. Both events finish in front of the Talley Ho Inn in Townsend, TN, “The …
Escape to the “Peaceful Side of the Smokies” with a gorgeous race through the woods. The Great Smoky Mountains Half Marathon is a stunning race with sweeping panoramic views of the Smoky Mountains and Tennessee countryside. Both events finish in front of the Talley Ho Inn in Townsend, TN, “The Peaceful Side of the Smokies”! Join us, not to achieve your personal best time, but to have the best time of your life.
We’ll have plenty of parking near the finish for all of our runners and spectators. The 5K starts and finishes in front of the Talley Ho on Friday. For the half marathon on Saturday, runners will be shuttled to the start and will finish at the Talley Ho.
The route has a total ascent of 727.48 ft and has a maximum elevation of 1,156.23 ft. This will be an “open course” meaning there will be cars on the road as well as runners. There are sections on main roads where traffic may be heavy. These spots on the course could get a little crowded.
The course will be well marked but it is your responsibility to stay to the right when running with traffic and be courteous and mindful of cars and other runners. DO NOT step off the course into traffic, you will be disqualified. We want you to stay safe. Be courteous.
The Peaceful Side of the Smokies
Race morning began for me at 4:30 A.M. The shuttles to the starting line began loading at 5:15 A.M., with the last shuttle scheduled to depart at 6:00 A.M. Vacation … MORE
Race morning began for me at 4:30 A.M. The shuttles to the starting line began loading at 5:15 A.M., with the last shuttle scheduled to depart at 6:00 A.M. Vacation Races recommended not waiting until the last bus; however, I decided based on previous lessons learned that I did not want to be on the very first bus either. The bus I selected departed at 5:20 A.M. from the Talley Ho Inn, which was extremely convenient because all I had to do was step outside of my room to hop on the bus. I thanked myself for creating a stress free experience by booking my room at the shuttle departure location, which later would also be the finish line.
My weather app told me the humidity would increase to 100% by 8:00 A.M., which made me very nervous. As we made our way from Townsend to Maryville, the temperature dropped slightly to 68° F. This was still warmer than I was comfortable with, and I began praying for rain. We were told to prepare for heat and humidity, and I very badly did not want that to be the case, especially with a net uphill course.
It took approximately 28 minutes to reach the starting line, which was at the Heritage High School parking lot in Maryville. We hung out in the parking lot for about 40 minutes before lining up for the official race start at 7:00 A.M. There was a giant water buffalo where we could fill reusable cups and hydration systems, a table with a generous selection of green bananas, a second table with hot chocolate, and a third table with sunscreen and bug spray. It turned out that we would need neither the sunscreen or bug spray, as mother nature had other plans.
It was overcast and misting during the whole race, eventually becoming an on and off light drizzle as we wound our way through the mountains, which hugged each side of the paved road. The temperature ended up being perfect with the rain, and I was ecstatic. I was also glad I didn’t bring my headphones, because I got to listen to the Little River rushing past on my right as we ran south on Old Walland Highway. The river and the rain together made for a very meditative and peaceful running experience on the Peaceful Side of the Smokies. The majority of the course was on Old Walland Highway, and we shared the road with traffic passing on the left. There was not much spectator support at all on the course, presumably because it was a highway without much of a shoulder, however the occasional spectators popped out of their riverfront homes to cheer us on.
Each aid station was stocked with water dispensers, Gnarly Hydrate dispensers, Honey Stinger gels, and there were also toilets. Fruit was available at later aid stations, however I opted to skip it. There were a total of 6 aid stations, located at Miles 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 12. The medic was positioned at the Mile 9 aid station. Now, about the course itself. The Great Smoky Mountain Half was one of the most beautiful courses I’ve ever run thus far. Alaska is tough to beat, but I actually think I enjoyed this course more. We got to experience running in the early morning misty “smoke” of the Smoky Mountains firsthand.
Vacation Races kindly offered free Nathan reusable cups included with our registration. This was my first time using a Nathan reusable cup on a course (and yes, I know, nothing new on race day…), and I ended up LOVING it. It was super convenient to just collapse the cup and shove it into my pocket after consuming fluids. I’d filled my Camelbak bladder with 0.5 liters of water, or approximately 16 ounces, since our first aid station wasn’t scheduled to pop up until Mile 3. The supplemental water plus 2 Saltstick Fastchews got me through those early miles, when typically I would have already consumed 8 oz water and 8 oz Gatorade/electrolytes by Mile 2 on an average course for a larger race.
The only unpleasant thing about this course was on a significant stretch along Old Walland Highway, the road slopes horizontally towards the riverbank, which was harder on my hips and feet, and I did more walking than actual running when my gait became too awkward. Even still, I tolerated it with optimism, because I was so thankful for the weather turning out in our favor and I was enjoying the unbelievable beauty of the scenery all around me. Prior to Mile 9, we crossed a cute little bridge, and the course transitioned to Townsend Trail.
We then ran parallel to East Lamar Alexander Parkway, passing Towns End Coffee, other shops along route, all the way back to the Talley Ho Inn. For all of the anticipation I had about this course being net uphill, the hills ended up being extremely manageable, even the more noticeable three mile gradual uphill climb at the end.
This marked my very first race with Vacation Races, and it truly was a wonderful and seamless experience all around from initial communication to race organization. The expo was also conveniently located at the Talley Ho Inn and had some fun photo opportunities, as well as plenty of swag and merchandise. The views were unbelievable, and if you’re looking for your next Tennessee race, this is it.
Well done race!
This was my first Vacation Race. We did the 5K Fri nite and the Half Marathon on Saturday. Running both is the Black Bear Double and you get an extra … MORE
This was my first Vacation Race. We did the 5K Fri nite and the Half Marathon on Saturday. Running both is the Black Bear Double and you get an extra medal. We stayed at the Talley Ho, 75 steps from bib pickup/Expo and shuttle buses for Sat race morning. Easy logistics.
Race starts 13+ miles away and we finish back at Talley Ho. Buses were plentiful. Start line had free coffee and sunscreen and bug spray which was a nice touch. Pretty course but the sweeping vistas. You need to go into park for that.
Shirts at pickup had the wrong date which was a bummer. The day after the race though I got an email from VR apologizing for the shirts and offering to either send me a new shirt free of charge for a $20 VR race credit. Classy touch!
Great finish area. Awesome food Box!
Highly recommend and will definitely do VR again!!
Great scenery
If you are from a state with no hills or mountains, there needs to be another form of training other than running outside. Incline trdmill training is a MUST. MORE
If you are from a state with no hills or mountains, there needs to be another form of training other than running outside. Incline trdmill training is a MUST.
Best way to spend my birthday!
This was a wonderfully and timely done race. My favorite part of the day was the guy on the mic at the finish, he was so encouraging and fun to … MORE
This was a wonderfully and timely done race. My favorite part of the day was the guy on the mic at the finish, he was so encouraging and fun to listen to- so kudos to him! Despite a little traffic getting into the parking lot, the parking at the finish line was strongly preferred to at the start! The race started right on time and had perfectly spaced aid stations with super kind volunteers. I was absolutely winded (in part to my lack of training- oops) by the end but the gradual elevation gain with rolling hills was enjoyable! I could not have been bothered by the rain the second half of the race! This was my first VR event and I definitely plan to sign up for another soon! I was also glad to know I wasn’t the only one crazy enough to run a half as my birthday wish!
Love it!
The town of Townsend is awesome. Also, Loved the pacing groups and waves that they set up. The spectators along the route were also great to have. Well put together … MORE
The town of Townsend is awesome. Also, Loved the pacing groups and waves that they set up. The spectators along the route were also great to have. Well put together and well-marked.
Beautiful Course- Great Medal
The picture for this race was with 2 of my daughters and myself. I ran the race with the red head since it was her first 1/2 marathon. It was … MORE
The picture for this race was with 2 of my daughters and myself. I ran the race with the red head since it was her first 1/2 marathon. It was my other daughter’s 3rd state and second time with me so she did it on her own! The notes below are based on the conversations with them as well as my wife and youngest daughter who volunteered.
Race Bib Pick up: This was well planned out. Even with almost 2000 runners, we waited very little time in getting through and picking up the bibs/ race swag. I think we were in line no more than 5 minutes from the time we arrived until we got the final items.
Race Expo: It was fun but it was a little underwhelming. The daughters had expected more – especially my oldest who has run in a couple of other races. That said, this is a small community and is understandable that more wasn’t available. Anything needed as last-minute supplies were available.
Official Race store: There was a variety of interesting items. Our favorites was the TShirts with all the names listed of participants (I love the fact I have something with my daughter’s names on it!) and the patches/ stickers. Costs were about on part – though the older race shirts were more expensive than expected.
Arrival: There was stress with getting parked the morning of the half marathon. Parking seemed to take a while. We left at 5:15am from our condo 3 miles away. We did not get parked until after 5:45am. We had been told the last bus left at 6am, so we were stressing. Maybe having 2 entrances to park might have made this smoother – but then again, not a lot of places to park outside the area they were at. Lots of port a potties – but the line was still extremely long at the start line. Highly suggest runners arrive sooner and use them at the finish line where busses pick up. Good news – no issues with toilet paper running out!
The race: The course is beautiful. Aid stations were plentiful with multiple port a potties for use at most of the stations. I prefer the water jugs than all of the paper cups and with other races would adopt this method. We did find it interesting that they were giving out “door prizes” at the start line. Most runners would have to carry them throughout the race.
Might want to think about that and have them with the ticket numbers at the end for the runners to pick up? We had expected there to be more hills, but none of them really felt terrible (mile 4, mile 7/8 and near the end were the worst but even those were manageable!) The main complaint was that the road had a bad tilt to it in the curves – and there are a lot of curves. You really had to pay attention more to the road and where you ran vs trying to race efficiently. It was noticeable when you got to an area that was flat as it felt so much better to run on. There were gels at every station (2 flavors of Honey stinger – Acai and Gold). My oldest really liked the Gnarly sports drink and plans to use that in the future if she can find it. The oranges were a blessing.
Race Finish: The last small hill seemed cruel and unusual punishment. Since it had been raining, coming down the other side of it was a little slippery due to the surface. Food at the end was nothing spectacular (bananas, snack boxes with trail mix/ popcorn/ etc). Post race activities was also very minimal. I stuck around to help at the finish with my youngest but there was not much else beside awards.
Race medal (s): We only ran in the 1/2 and was impressed with the size of the medal. We were a little envious of the Double medal as that design was pretty cool (though the cost to add the 5K onto the 1/2 was a little more than expected). We did decide to at least do one double if we do anymore VR races.
Overall, the race was the main feature. The pre race and post race items are nice to have – especially for a destination race. However, I would prefer to have a well thought out course and well ran race than the fluff. We are already looking forward to additional races.
Becoming a Tradition
I love Townsend and the Smokies! I live about 1.5 hours away and get up here occasionally. Townsend is a little less populated and laid back compared to Gatlinburg or … MORE
I love Townsend and the Smokies! I live about 1.5 hours away and get up here occasionally. Townsend is a little less populated and laid back compared to Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge.
Vacation Races always puts on a good production. Their medals are always top-notch as well.
I love this run, it’s so scenic! This is not a course I would try to get a PR on due to some elevation changes and I believe it rains more often than not. Thankfully it rained later in the race when I don’t care if I get wet this year (2024).
I kept up with pacers this go-around for 2/3’s of my run and they were fun to run with. I ran with a nurse, a retired cop, and a previous Olympic hopeful in the 400m hurdles. Always fun to meet new and interesting folks.
Nice choice for TN
I chose this race for TN so I didn’t have to deal with Nashville. EVERY TN race I researched was hilly, so I picked this one for the scenery. This … MORE
I chose this race for TN so I didn’t have to deal with Nashville. EVERY TN race I researched was hilly, so I picked this one for the scenery. This race was more small town feel. Townsend was fun with lots of great places to stay and a short drive to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge.
The race scenery was beautiful. Nearly the whole thing was along the river. The course was hilly but not nearly as bad as I expected. It was gradual with rolling hills and downhills to go with the uphills. The worse part was the grade in the road. I wasted a lot of energy weaving all over the road trying to find a spot that was flat. The grade was bad. My hips are still killing me 2 days later.
EXPO was quite small with just a few vendors and of course extra swag if you want to purchase more.
AFTER PARTY wasn’t much. They gave you a food box with some nice snacks. Small band and a DJ announcing finishes. No beer tent or food for purchase.
VOLUNTEERS and STAFF were all great and very helpful. MEDAL was beautiful.
Overall a great small town race that worked well to knock TN off the list. Would recommend
I love VR!
Vacation Race has been my best excuse to visit National Parks in the United States! After completed many road trips for Zion Ultra, Antelope Canyon Ultra, Glacier, Yellowstone, Saguaro and … MORE
Vacation Race has been my best excuse to visit National Parks in the United States! After completed many road trips for Zion Ultra, Antelope Canyon Ultra, Glacier, Yellowstone, Saguaro and Rocky Mountain National Parks, I have recruited 4 other “run away girls” for our 1st “fly away” race in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park!
Townsend is a nice and quieter town than Gatlinburg. I volunteered at the expo clean up and met many amazing VR staffs. 3 of my girlfriends finished their 1st 5K race on Friday evening and all 4 want to earn another VR 5K medal! I did my half marathon on Sat morning. Race started at the Heritage Highschool and I enjoyed the first 9-miles of scenery along the little river. Very soon it started drizzling and made me singing “rain and tears (or sweats)” in my head. The rain became harder when I approach the Townsend area and instead of alphas road, it also turns to concrete pavement. Although this is an overall “Uphill” route, I did my personal best in all the VR half marathon races. 🙂
I wished I signed up the Black Bear double! The medal is so cute.
The Great Smoky Mountains NP is our retreat after this fun race! We hiked 10+ trails and saw many rivers and waterfalls in the most visited National Park in the US!
5th Smokey Mountain Half Marathon
Vacation races do a great job. The course is mainly beside the river with some beautiful scenery. Some hills which is typical for East Tennessee. Looking forward to running again … MORE
Vacation races do a great job. The course is mainly beside the river with some beautiful scenery. Some hills which is typical for East Tennessee. Looking forward to running again next year. Ran my first in 2020 and it has me hooked. Look forward to it every year.
Super Scenic
This was a beautifully scenic route alongside mountain streams, fields and through trees for the most part, all paved. There was some traffic in the other lane you had to … MORE
This was a beautifully scenic route alongside mountain streams, fields and through trees for the most part, all paved. There was some traffic in the other lane you had to watch for when you were on the roadway. Gradual incline, not really hilly considering the east Tennessee mountains and terrain. Plenty of hydration stations and snacks and energy gels were included. Nice expo, easy transportation to the start line. Give plenty of time for parking though. Super nice recovery snack box and a really nice medal at this one. Thoroughly enjoyed ourselves here.
This is a pretty flat course following a river. After mile 9 you finish out along the road. The only "hills" are the last 2 miles. Very friendly group of … MORE
This is a pretty flat course following a river. After mile 9 you finish out along the road. The only “hills” are the last 2 miles. Very friendly group of runners and walkers.
This is a beautiful course primarily on a small road through the mountains that ends in town Townsend, TN. It felt magical running in the rain with the start of … MORE
This is a beautiful course primarily on a small road through the mountains that ends in town Townsend, TN. It felt magical running in the rain with the start of the fall leaves falling around me. I was happy that I prepared with running in humid conditions because it was very humid, thankfully the rain kept the temperature down. VR Races are amazing and run so smoothly. I ran the 5K the night ahead, placed second in my group, and ran a new PR with my half-marathon the morning after. I had an absolute blast and would highly recommend. This was my first time to the Great Smoky area and absolutely loved it!!
Run the peaceful side of the Smokies
If you’re looking for a race in Tennessee, the Great Smoky Mountains 5K is a great one to try! I was debating whether or not to go for the half … MORE
If you’re looking for a race in Tennessee, the Great Smoky Mountains 5K is a great one to try! I was debating whether or not to go for the half marathon, and decided to start small. The 5K is a great race for folks of all ages and abilities, and although this one had some rolling hills toward the end, it was largely flat — a plus when you’re already in the mountains! This was a fun race, with lovely scenery, friendly spectators, helpful volunteers, and a surprisingly full snack box of new items to try. The medal and race shirt are both lovely, and I enjoyed racing through Townsend, TN. Next year I might even go for the half!
Most beautiful race I've ran
I signed up for the Black Bear Double, so this event started on Friday for me with the 5k. The packet pickup before the 5k was seamless and ran smoothly. … MORE
I signed up for the Black Bear Double, so this event started on Friday for me with the 5k. The packet pickup before the 5k was seamless and ran smoothly. The 5k course was great and while not completely flate is was not challenging. The half marathon on Saturday was everything I hoped it would be. The organizers and volunteers made it the start of the race a breeze. When the race started I was presently surprised by the beautiful scenery. While the roads were open, the traffic was nonexistent. If I had to say something negative it would be the natural banking of the road in the curves. The let to right slope made running awkward at times, but it was not an issue if you ran in the middle, I just don’t ever run in the middle. The finish line was great with great swag. Also, all the photos were free and the clearest photos of any race I’ve ran. This is so far my favorite half marathon that I have ran.
Running on the peaceful side……
Expect a vast range of scenery, from picturesque farmland to lazy river you get to see it at during this race. This course is challenging but well worth the effort. … MORE
Expect a vast range of scenery, from picturesque farmland to lazy river you get to see it at during this race. This course is challenging but well worth the effort. One you finish this race there is a vast amount of attractions and nature to take in. Townsend is nestled up against The Great Smoky Mountain National Park, just miles a way from trails and beautiful mountain roads. This area is a true gem. I am proud to call it home.
2nd time, love it, some suggestions
1. The race expo was well spaced, there was a large Vacation Race Prop 13.1, for self photography this year, looked great. 2. we had my wife drop us off … MORE
1. The race expo was well spaced, there was a large Vacation Race Prop 13.1, for self photography this year, looked great.
2. we had my wife drop us off race day morning so we didn’t need the shuttle bus. For the Raffle ticket, it wasn’t clear what to do with the ticket and where to put the ticket. Also idk what I would have done with a prize if I won anyway, would I carry it?
3. 1st aid station was out of snacks when I arrived at 36 mins into race, didn’t need them but if it says they are there, they should be there.
4. this year the official photos didn’t have a sign saying they were coming up and the photographers weren’t where the race guide said they would be, one was at the bridge, which is great but unexpected.
5. Race photos came out very dark under the bridge and running away from bridge. The finishing photo angle was the side instead of head on like last year and that was a huge miss. The photos are my biggest gripe this year. The ones that came out bright look great but half of them are very very dark.
6.i finished under 3 hours, the after race area was very bland if music was played it was definitely gone when I arrived.
7. The after race snack box didn’t have chocolate milk this year and could really use some attention. Throw a gel or sticker or some pamphlets in there.
8. The finish line announcer was great he was the hype.
9.race shirts were printed with wrong date on them.
10. Some ideas, each aid station should have a local folk musician playing music for ambience.
Put hand washing stations outside the portapotty zone at start line
Holy Smokes, Batman!
This race was so much fun. The course was beautiful, race expo and production was smooth, clear, and understandable, and we had a great race day! The smokys were beautiful … MORE
This race was so much fun. The course was beautiful, race expo and production was smooth, clear, and understandable, and we had a great race day! The smokys were beautiful and I would definitely consider running this one again.
Beautiful course!
This was my 2nd time running this race. The scenery is beautiful as the course follows a river and has mountain views for the last few miles. With a slight … MORE
This was my 2nd time running this race. The scenery is beautiful as the course follows a river and has mountain views for the last few miles. With a slight elevation gain, this course provides just enough of a challenge for amateurs to attempt some PRs!
Great first scenic race
- Great scenic race and would do it again next year - The volunteers were nice and supportive - plenty of food/ drinks provided - only part we struggled with … MORE
– Great scenic race and would do it again next year
– The volunteers were nice and supportive
– plenty of food/ drinks provided
– only part we struggled with is getting to the shuttle on time, mainly due to traffic in that area