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Nashville, TN Raving since 2016 50 States hopeful/finisher, Half Fanatics, World Marathon Majors Six Star hopeful/finisher Active 7 months, 1 week ago

About Me

  • Running club(s):

    Black Girls Run! East Nasty Running Club

  • Rave race:

    She Power Half-Indianapolis

  • Race that's calling my name:

    Marine Corp Marathon

  • I run because:

    Punching people is frowned upon.

My Races

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50 States Map

Half Marathon



(Marathon or Ultra) + Half

Marathon + Ultra


Future Races

Personal Bests (3)

Race Distance Location Date Result
Marathon Staten Island, NY Nov 4, 2018 6:05:00
Half Marathon Nashville, TN Aug 28, 2016 31:00
10K Atlanta, GA Jul 4, 2024 1:20:00

Future Races (15)

Race Distance Location Date Paid
Half Marathon Anchorage, AK TBD
Marathon Hopkinton, MA TBD
Half Marathon North Charleston, SC TBD
Half Marathon Coeur d'Alene, ID TBD
Half Marathon Des Moines, IA TBD
Half Marathon Kiowa, MT TBD
Half Marathon Kansas City, MO TBD
Half Marathon Lincoln, NE TBD
Marathon London, United Kingdom TBD
Marathon Arlington, VA TBD
Half Marathon Jackson, MS TBD
Half Marathon Bar Harbor, ME TBD
Half Marathon Rehoboth Beach, DE TBD
Half Marathon East Point, GA TBD
Marathon Tokyo, Japan TBD

Past Races (26)

Race Distance Location Date Result My Raves My Performance
Marathon Berlin, Germany Sep 29, 2024
10K Atlanta, GA Jul 4, 2024 1:20:00
Half Marathon Olathe, KS Apr 20, 2024
Marathon Chicago, IL Oct 8, 2023
Half Marathon Lahaina, HI Jan 16, 2022 3:14:00
Half Marathon Indianapolis, IN Aug 9, 2020
Marathon Los Angeles, CA Mar 8, 2020 7:02:00
Half Marathon Nashville, TN Sep 29, 2019 3:15:00
Half Marathon Indianapolis, IN Jun 9, 2019 2:50:00
Marathon Staten Island, NY Nov 4, 2018 6:05:00
Half Marathon Detroit, MI Oct 15, 2017
Half Marathon Brooklyn, NY Oct 14, 2017
Half Marathon Lawton, OK Oct 1, 2017
Half Marathon Pensacola, FL Nov 13, 2016
Half Marathon Philadelphia, PA Sep 18, 2016
Half Marathon Nashville, TN Aug 28, 2016 31:00
Half Marathon Chicago, IL May 22, 2016
Half Marathon Cincinnati, OH May 1, 2016
Half Marathon Louisville, KY Apr 30, 2016
Half Marathon Philadelphia, PA Apr 10, 2016
Half Marathon Birmingham, AL Feb 14, 2016
Half Marathon Murfreesboro, TN Oct 10, 2015
Half Marathon Nashville, TN Apr 25, 2015
15K Nashville, TN Feb 14, 2015
Half Marathon Townsend, TN Sep 20, 2014
Sprint Conyers, GA 2014

My Raves

This was my first time participating. I submitted my time and was seeded in Corral U, which i thought a little too far back. It was VERY hot this year … MORE

This was my first time participating. I submitted my time and was seeded in Corral U, which i thought a little too far back. It was VERY hot this year and for a start time of 8:30, it was WAY too late. After about a mile into the race, I immediately regretted my decision to to run. I mean, I didn’t set out to PR, but wanted to do my best. The course was too crowded, so much to the point that it was almost impossible to run. I was constantly weaving back and forth as well as having to come to a full stop to avoid what appeared to be a LOT of walkers. I know it was super hot, and some walking was to be expected, but these were people who intended to walk the majority of the race. Later I found out the ATC members have the option to get an earlier start time. Sounds like a money grab to me. This is NOT a good idea as it creates a gridlock for the runners in later corrals actually trying to run. At one point, two small children darted out in front of me and I almost fell as I was running at full speed. The stretch to the finish was the absolute worst, just impossible to run at all with the amount of people on the course. Overall, I thought that this race was very expensive and not worth it due to the diminished race experience. I will not be running this one again and am strongly reconsidering running any ATC races at this point.


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Please note that I ran this race during covid, so things were limited and there were many precautions were in place. This was my first HA race. A friend and … MORE

Please note that I ran this race during covid, so things were limited and there were many precautions were in place. This was my first HA race. A friend and I planned to run it as it happened to be during a pre-planned bday trip, as well as wanting to go ahead and check off another state while we had the chance. Pre-race communications through email were plentiful. We got some sort of email from the director almost everyday regarding HA covid conditions, race confirmations, what to expect pre-race/post race etc. I gave production a 4, as I had reached out several times to sign up for the post race cruise and could never get a response. After awhile, I just stopped trying. It was kind of strange considering all the emails, but I believe this was a different contact person.
Packet pickup was very quick and efficient and they even had some race apparel for sale (shirts, tanks, hats). There was no swag, just the bib and the tech shirt. I think that this was due to covid?? I would have liked more. Race day was well organized and the waves went off without a hitch. The course was flat, but there was very little shade and only had a patch somewhere around mile 8ish. The course was relatively pretty, but it was nerve-wracking in some spots having cars zipping by and trying pass other runners with only 3 feet of space between the shoulder and the car lanes. The car honking kind of started getting annoying…although I’m sure they meant well. There were some good picture spots along the course, but also some homeless camps which I was NOT expecting to see. My performance was as expected due to 1) having a recent knee injury 2) coming from a climate with 35 degree temps and snow to 80+. I just wasn’t heat acclimated and I struggled a bit with the temp and no shade. The finish line was very cheerful though! They called your name as you came through the finish with a fun fact about you. The sprinklers were a welcome sight! I stood there for about 5 minutes in them. No post-race snacks or food. A banana, orange, or pretzels would have been great. The medal was awesome, very large and heavy!! All in all, I had fun, but this would probably be a one and done for me.


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This was my first time running the LA Marathon. Pre-race: I found it odd that i never received any kind of pre-race email communication until maybe 4 or 5 days … MORE

This was my first time running the LA Marathon.
Pre-race: I found it odd that i never received any kind of pre-race email communication until maybe 4 or 5 days before the race. All of a sudden, there was a massive runner information packet that was sent and was just a lot to digest in a small amount of time.
Expo: The expo was great. Swag bags left a lot to be desired. We only received a tech shirt. For a $200 race fee, I was expecting something more, like some socks or something at least! There wasn’t much to shop for at the expo other than Asics shoes, standard t-shirts, tech shirt, and socks. I didn’t see anything like a finisher jacket.
Race Day: I took the 5am shuttle and didn’t have a problem getting from Santa Monica to Dodger Stadium. I would say I was in line for maybe 15 minutes at most. Oh man! The start line area! The is for the 5k and the marathon–It seemed to be a bit chaotic and disorganized in the way of layout. I exited the bus looking for the food/water station, but it took maybe 15 minutes of needless walking to find it. There were signs, but the arrows pointed in a general direction with no “follow-up” arrows further down to direct you on where to go. The blackout fences made if even more difficult to navigate. It was just a lot when you are trying to stay off your feet as much as possible.
The course: The course was great, a little hilly from miles 1-6, with rather large hill at mile 4. Course support was awesome with water/gatorade stations every mile. There was also plenty of port o potties. I was expecting more in the way of crowd support, not many people were out except in a couple of touristy areas.
Post race: The finish line area was in a great location in Santa Monica (Ocean Ave) with plenty of restaurants nearby. The post race snacks left a lot to be desired with only cheezits, animal crackers, wheat crackers, and water. I did not visit the beer garden. Again, exiting the finish area was difficult as the neighboring business were lined with that blackout fencing ALL the way around. I had hard time navigating to where I needed to go (dinner reservations off Ocean) even though the restaurant was literally across the street from the finish line. It added an extra mile of walking around the block to get to an opening to the sidewalk. We ended up catching one of those carts as my feet couldn’t take the additional steps.
All in all, it was a great race. There were some things that could be changed in the future to make it better. I would say this was a one and done for me.


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Spend your money elsewhere. I'm not even certain that there is an official charity associated with this event. No communication regarding course, race day, packet pickup, parking etc. Numerous emails … MORE

Spend your money elsewhere. I’m not even certain that there is an official charity associated with this event. No communication regarding course, race day, packet pickup, parking etc. Numerous emails and phone calls placed before race day with no reply. Medal given and medal shown were completely different than what was portrayed. It was essentially a generic with a sticker attached. I chose to run the 5k since this was an inaugural. Great thing I did, as we started 20 min late (it was HOT), the 10k and half participants ran out of water and some didn’t not recieve a medal…even to this day.


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