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Overall Rating (1 Review)
(1 Rating)  (1 Review)
Founded in 1990, FANS Ultra Races is a timed loop ultramarathon benefiting the FANS Scholarship Fund for graduates of Pillsbury United Communities’ College Readiness & Scholarship Program. The program focuses on inner city youth and prepares students for post-secondary education and beyond. All race fees and donations go directly to … MORE
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Recent reviews

    mwrunfar REPEAT RUNNER '18

    Although it wasn't quite what I had planned, had a great day at FANS 12 hr at Fort Snelling State Park which I turned into a less than 8 hr … MORE

    Although it wasn’t quite what I had planned, had a great day at FANS 12 hr at Fort Snelling State Park which I turned into a less than 8 hr endeavor but got in a 50k+. You run a 2+ mile loop around a lake with a combo of dirt trail and asphalt. No hills and the volunteers are always great. 2 aid stations, one at the start and one about 1/2 way. It is a great event to do if you want to enter the world of ultra running. They have a 6, 12 and 24 hr races all running together. Very fun event.

    For this year, we did have a few hours in the rain but no t-storms which was a blessing. By shortening my day, it gave my body a break as I was having some foot and knee pain (have Grandmas in 2 weeks so will appreciate the reduced effort, hopefully) and it allowed me to go out to dinner with my wife to celebrate our anniversary.

    So for me it was a win-win. Hopefully I can back next year and do the entire 12 hrs, for today though I was just happy to get back to an ultra distance.


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  1. Races
  2. FANS Ultra Races