The Cummins Falls Marathon is a fundraiser held by the Friends of Cummins Falls State Park in scenic Jackson County, Tennessee. There are four certified routes along the beautiful Blackburn Fork State Scenic River. The three longer distance races are very challenging with steep hills and great scenery. All four …
The Cummins Falls Marathon is a fundraiser held by the Friends of Cummins Falls State Park in scenic Jackson County, Tennessee. There are four certified routes along the beautiful Blackburn Fork State Scenic River. The three longer distance races are very challenging with steep hills and great scenery. All four routes are run on the picturesque rural back roads of Jackson County, Tennessee, and are sure to be enjoyed by traditional marathon runners and trail runners alike.
Funds raised will go to purchase land to help protect Cummins Falls. This will be an event for all with environmental education programs, music throughout the day, food, and fun. Even if you are not running, come by and enjoy the park. Our goal is to provide a quality outdoor recreational event while raising funds to help purchase additional land that is needed to protect Cummins Falls State Park.
HILLY, But Nice
If you`re looking for a PR, this is NOT the race you would want to run. However, if you`re looking for a small race with beautiful views and a challenge, … MORE
If you`re looking for a PR, this is NOT the race you would want to run. However, if you`re looking for a small race with beautiful views and a challenge, this is it! The hills are brutal, but I loved it! Every aid station was stocked with bananas, GUs, and even some with much needed pickle juice, along with the usuals! The volunteers and race staff were awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed this race and would recommend it…if you don`t mind straight up/down hills! The only other drawback that I noticed was the lack of porta potties. There was one at around mile 2, and an outhouse somewhere after 14-15, and maybe one or two more scattered through where I saw a sign suggesting a restroom with an arrow, but that`s it. I was able to duck in the woods to stand behind a tree, but a woman may have more difficulty finding a place to go. The other issue with finding a place to go was that for a majority of the course you had a river on one side, and a cliff on the other, leaving very little options. Regardless, it was a well put together small race and I loved it!
The hills didn't disappoint
I ran this race because it looked scenic with challenging hills. The day before the race I toured the waterfalls and drove the course. The first 16 miles are mostly … MORE
I ran this race because it looked scenic with challenging hills. The day before the race I toured the waterfalls and drove the course.
The first 16 miles are mostly downhill or small rolling hills. The course traverses a river for many miles on a narrow 2-lane road. The river is usually on the left side while the right side are high cliffs with some beautiful mini waterfalls scattered throughout. There are some beautiful moments.
Close to mile 17 is where the real fun begins. I was feeling really good and figured I could easily slow-jog up every hill. But that first big hill told me otherwise. I resorted to walking at least half of it. There were about 2 other hills in the last 9 miles that I had to do the same. Most of the others I was able to slow down a little without walking. Overall I figured I lost about 10 minutes in the last 10 miles of the race due to the hills. The hills definitely did not disappoint! Afterwards I was very satisfied.
Production: No complaints about the number of aid stations along the route, and the volunteers that supported them. It was a cold day with some sprinkles and so I am grateful for anyone standing out (or waiting in the car) at an aid station!
2 complaints from me. 1) There weren’t many porto-potties on the course. Maybe 1 or 2 at most? I was lucky that day that I didn’t need to go, and if I needed to go pee I could’ve pulled over into the woods as sparse as the participants were. But I was worried about women in particular who had to go. If I’m wrong in my observations I am happy to be corrected. 2) The post-race awards and activities for the marathon were not obvious if they had any. There was a tent with food (thank you) but I didn’t hear or see any announcements (at all) and nothing about award presentations . It was too cold to stick around for long so left after 15 minutes in the tent. I did email the organizers asking if I would receive an award but didn’t get a response.
To be clear, I run a lot of small races and am grateful to have marathons and to race organizers that have continued during COVID.
I would recommend this race to others that are looking for a scenic, hilly run!
Local State Park
This race supports Cummins Falls State Park. Fairly small event. There were 4 race distances happening that morning, which worked out well logistically. The elevation is a beast - you … MORE
This race supports Cummins Falls State Park. Fairly small event. There were 4 race distances happening that morning, which worked out well logistically. The elevation is a beast – you get some great down hills, but turn around and come back up them!
This race has nice scenery, very class Middle Tennessee, with rolling hills, big red barns, and a river. There is typically a cool kayak-bridge to cross the river during the half, but we had major rains the week before the race this year, so they had to reroute because the river was just moving too fast.
Swag included a soft cotton tee and a wooden medal. Age group awards were similar. Post race included burgers, BBQ chicken, Chili, and some craft beer that sponsored the race. Free race photos included.
If you’re close by, I’d recommend this race, but wouldn’t make it a destination event.
Difficult hills, pastoral views
+ Aid stations every 2 miles stocked with volunteers, water, Gu, bananas, oranges, strawberries, goldfish, and mini pretzel rods. I found this to be an impressive spread! Small race - … MORE
Aid stations every 2 miles stocked with volunteers, water, Gu, bananas, oranges, strawberries, goldfish, and mini pretzel rods. I found this to be an impressive spread!
Small race – 36 full marathoners, but you start with the 1/2 marathoners. So it feels a little more impressive.
Beautiful waterfalls, views of cattle farms, green foliage, & interesting rock formations
Cool medal – wooden
Volunteers – All but 1 of the aid stations were manned. Think about it – for a 36 person race, avg 2 volunteers/aid station is quite touching. Around mile 18, there was a lady who was sitting in her car because of the pouring rain. When she saw us approaching, she ran towards us with a tray of goodies. I immediately teared up, touched by the kindness.
Cars – There were cars on the route, but they gave you a very wide birth.
Hills – this could be a plus for some people. The hills on this course kicked my butt! I walked most of the ups and jogged the downs while trying my best to preserve my quads.
Pitchy roads – some of the roads were pretty pitchy, which contributed to sore feet & ankles post-race.
*Note: The 2019 course was detoured she to heavy rain & flood warnings. I’m not sure if the normal course includes the 3+ hills that kicked my butt!