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Germantown, WI Raving since 2017 Active 1 year, 7 months ago

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My Races

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Half Marathon



(Marathon or Ultra) + Half

Marathon + Ultra


Future Races

Personal Bests (6)

Race Distance Location Date Result
24 hr Canal Fulton, OH Jun 9, 2018 100 km
Half Marathon Madison, WI Aug 19, 2017 2:06:59
10 Miler Waukesha, WI Sep 24, 2017 1:37:00
10K Milwaukee, WI Sep 9, 2017 55:24
4 Miler Hales Corners, WI Jul 4, 2017 36:09
5K West Allis, WI Jul 19, 2017 26:32

Future Races (0)

Race Distance Location Date Paid

Past Races (8)

Race Distance Location Date Result My Raves My Performance
24 hr Canal Fulton, OH Jun 9, 2018 100 km
10 Miler Waukesha, WI Sep 24, 2017 1:37:00
10K Milwaukee, WI Sep 9, 2017 55:24
Half Marathon Madison, WI Aug 19, 2017 2:06:59
5K West Allis, WI Jul 19, 2017 26:32
4 Miler Hales Corners, WI Jul 4, 2017 36:09
Half Marathon Milwaukee, WI Jun 10, 2017 2:07:50
10K Cleveland, OH May 20, 2017 56:17

My Raves

The 5 mile loop was extremely flat, makes for a great low-key entry to the world of ultra-running. There was a huge refreshment area near the start with everything you … MORE

The 5 mile loop was extremely flat, makes for a great low-key entry to the world of ultra-running. There was a huge refreshment area near the start with everything you could need, two small water stops on course, and a snack stop about halfway around the loop that constantly switched out treats (nutter butters were my personal favorite!) Even in the pouring rain, the course was very pretty. You run on the path through the trees, circle up on the road (with a nearby pair of porta-potties thankfully!), then back through the trees some more. As some mentioned, you also see some horses pulling canal boats in the little river there.

People set up tents and food supply stops all along the loop, primarily located near the end by parking. Camping was allowed the night before and night of the race. For those who are not big fans of camping, I did have a reasonably priced hotel within about a 15 minute drive!

Packet pickup was a breeze and everything was really well organized. You were able to basically pick your distance. If you were going for 50k or 100k, it involved a little out-and-back at the end to get to the total mileage. The race director gave out hugs to very sweaty finishers as he gave out medals and buckles.

Overall I found this race to be extremely enjoyable and one I absolutely intend to do again. Whether it’s next year or another year or two away, I won’t forget how great this race was and how great of a course it was for PR-ing!


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Signed up kind of last minute since I had a free race for volunteering at their other events. Great weather, quick packet pickup, really cute participant shirt. Course was very … MORE

Signed up kind of last minute since I had a free race for volunteering at their other events.

Great weather, quick packet pickup, really cute participant shirt.

Course was very flat and run down a paved trail. Participation was really divided among the many different distances so despite a meh pace I still managed an age group medal.

Post-race they posted results quickly and the snacks were really great! Could’ve used a post-race beer like they usually have at their races though!!

Will probably run some distance in this again next year since it’s a pretty cheap race, super flat, and had such great post-race snacks!


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Got a promo code for this from the Madison Mini so I figured why not?! Smooth enough pre-race communication. Kind of annoying that you would have to pay $25 to … MORE

Got a promo code for this from the Madison Mini so I figured why not?!

Smooth enough pre-race communication. Kind of annoying that you would have to pay $25 to do race day pickup or make the trip to the park the day before. The shirt is pretty nice though and packet pickup went smoothly.

Well-organized and easy to find corrals, info tent, results tent, etc. Race course wound around the area and was full of hills. 10k started 15 minutes before the 5k and half. Near the end the course ventured into the ballpark and onto the field which was a nice unique experience.

Nice medal with a big baseball on it. Lots of post-race snacks available. Had a good band out there playing covers. Results were available there with your bib number. Beer area nearby for your two free beers. They did take a REALLY long time to do the awards ceremony.

Overall this was a well-organized, fun, and unique race, but the hills were a little rough. Would I run it again? I don’t know… it was a little pricey and the hills made it a tough run to get through for me.


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Decided to run this course despite a somewhat tight turnaround after my first half in June (Summerfest Rock 'n Sole), primarily because it was a sister course with a challenge … MORE

Decided to run this course despite a somewhat tight turnaround after my first half in June (Summerfest Rock ‘n Sole), primarily because it was a sister course with a challenge that offered a spare medal if you ran both! I also received an email around the 4th of July with a savings promo code so I finally signed up.

Plenty of communication before the race on parking, weather, etc. I didn’t spend a lot of time at the expo, but it seemed like they had lots of great vendors with products, giveaways, etc. Women received a tech tank top, men received a tech tee. The women’s tank is actually really nice red shade, but runs small (which I believe they called out on the website.)

Parking was no issue thanks to their clear maps of race day parking options. The area near the starting zone had plenty of porta potties and lots of space to move around, stretch out, etc. Overall a good atmosphere.. around 2400 half marathoners, fun music, the Badger mascot running around, and even had some of the band out to play a bit.

The course was somewhat challenging. No crazy hills, but LOTS of rolling ones throughout the course. It did feel somewhat crowded, but I was running at a pretty average pace. The route was really nice.. went by the farmer’s market, ran along Camp Randall, went near the zoo, and by the Arboretum. Lots of time spent running along the lakes so the scenery was pretty beautiful! Aid stations seemed spread about nicely with plenty of water and gatorade, and there were lots of people out watching the race and cheering people on.

Wish there would’ve been a bit more signage after the race to direct people towards the tent to get M2 challenge medals and to the free beer! I found both though.. both the main medal and the challenge medal were very nice, and the beer out on the Terrace hit the spot on such a nice sunny day!

I’ll probably run this again in a couple years but first I want to try out some races that require a bit more travel!!


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Race was a little pricier than I usually like to spend for a 5k, but overall pretty nice. They offered packet pickup the prior Friday night, Saturday morning, and day … MORE

Race was a little pricier than I usually like to spend for a 5k, but overall pretty nice. They offered packet pickup the prior Friday night, Saturday morning, and day of before the race start. Over 900 people ran or walked. Course started just inside State Fair Park and wound around on the grounds. Not a ton to see other than signs starting to go up before the fair and people cheering us on. Water stops felt well spread out and the course was amazingly flat other than the first tiny hill at the start. There was a cream puff mascot taking pictures with runners and after the race you got your free cream puff (my first ever!) and a michelob ultra. They had a cover band playing at the after party area and tons of food and drink options. Race swag included a nice blue shirt and a free ticket to the state fair! And rather than a medal, you get a nice big fair-style ribbon.

Overall I thought it was a nice race, but a little pricey.


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Warm morning, I left with plenty of time to get my packet (there was 0 line) and take things back to my car before the race started. The shirts run … MORE

Warm morning, I left with plenty of time to get my packet (there was 0 line) and take things back to my car before the race started. The shirts run REALLY small FYI. Otherwise the little flyers and deals were nice, but very centered on Hales Corners businesses which is a hike for me.

The course was running through the local neighborhoods. Truly over a thousand people showed up, lots of them in very Americana gear. It was very warm, but there were TONS of spectators in front of their houses; some of them with sprinklers, hoses, and squirt guns to cool off the runners! Aid stations seemed well spaced out and the course was very flat other than a lovely hill in the last mile.

Post-race they quickly sent emails out with times! I heard people talking about it and was happy to already see mine when I checked! Post-race snacks were fantastic..lots of fruit, sugar cookies, and of course BEER! The older guys serving up the beer could barely keep up with demand! I kind of want to volunteer it next year to help them out! Overall I really liked the race and would definitely recommend it to others!


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Huge turnout.. nearly 4,000 runners just between the half and quarter. Lots of helpful emails pre-race regarding the weather, packet pickup, parking, etc. First you run through the Third Ward, … MORE

Huge turnout.. nearly 4,000 runners just between the half and quarter. Lots of helpful emails pre-race regarding the weather, packet pickup, parking, etc.

First you run through the Third Ward, wrap around and merge onto the Hoan Bridge. I didn’t think the gradual elevation change on to bridge was too bad, but other runners I knew thought it was challenging. The course flattened back out for a bit before a super steep hill in mile 7. Myself and a lot of others slowed to a walk for the 2/10ths of a mile or so. Close to mile 9 you go back downhill and the remainder of the course is really flat and leads back to the Summerfest grounds.

Plenty of aid stations throughout the course along with misting stations due to the heat, and even damp towels around mile 10 or so. Really nice views going over the bridge and through Veteran’s Park.. but a bit smelly as you’re going over the bridge. It also seemed like the course ran a bit long (I clocked 13.23 despite running tight corners on turns!) The medals are really nice and the tech tanks were cute despite appearing to run a bit short. Loved how much the course was right along the lake but there was a LOT of direct sunlight because of it!

Although I don’t have another half marathon behind me to compare this to, I thought it was a really nice first half marathon thanks to a nice view, fairly good race swag, and only one really rough hill! Now to figure out which race is next!


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Packet pickup was on the Friday and Saturday before. 5k and 8k races ran on Saturday (with packet pickup Friday only) while the 10k, half, and full ran Sunday. The … MORE

Packet pickup was on the Friday and Saturday before. 5k and 8k races ran on Saturday (with packet pickup Friday only) while the 10k, half, and full ran Sunday. The tech shirt is pretty nice, and I’m sure many people appreciated the cute key chain bottle openers they gave out as well! The expo had a ton of great vendors with lots of nice CLE-specific things for sale.

Starting line was outside Quicken Loans arena and things were well-organized. Lots of porta-potties, good signing for the corrals, and the crowd was HUGE! I *kind of* had to pee, but didn’t want to wait in the long lines since I was running a little late to the start! Runners for all three events lined up and started together, and signs throughout the course clearly showed where each race broke off.

The course went past quite a few Cleveland landmarks.. West Side market, the Rock Hall, and even the local Factory of Sadness, the Cleveland Browns stadium. Never having really seen Cleveland as an adult, I thought it was a great route to see a lot of the city in a short amount of time.

The finish line was packed with tons of post-run snacks and spots to take some nice photos posing with the medals. The beer garden was nice afterwards with a few standing tables but could’ve used more seating for some people who were really wiped out. Overall I thought it was a really nice race to run during my half marathon training plan and I’m debating whether to repeat or run the half next year!


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