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CANADA Raving since 2017 Boston Marathon finisher, IRONMAN Active 1 year, 12 months ago

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Half Marathon



(Marathon or Ultra) + Half

Marathon + Ultra


Future Races

Personal Bests (4)

Race Distance Location Date Result
25K Vernon, Canada Sep 14, 2019 5:15:00
Half Marathon Seattle, WA Feb 12, 2023 2:09:00
15K Blaine, WA Apr 6, 2019 1:50:00
10K Vancouver, Canada Oct 14, 2019 1:10:00

Future Races (0)

Race Distance Location Date Paid

Past Races (17)

Race Distance Location Date Result My Raves My Performance
Half Marathon Seattle, WA Feb 12, 2023 2:09:00
10K Vancouver, Canada Oct 14, 2019 1:10:00
Half Marathon Poulsbo, WA Oct 12, 2019 2:30:00
25K Vernon, Canada Sep 14, 2019 5:15:00
25K Vernon, Canada Sep 14, 2019 5:15:00
Half Marathon Dayton, OR Sep 1, 2019
Half Marathon Sammamish, WA Aug 11, 2019
Half Marathon Bainbridge Island, WA Jun 23, 2019
10 Miler Whistler, Canada Jun 15, 2019
2nd Half Marathon South Williamson, KY Jun 8, 2019 2:50:00
Half Marathon South Beach, WA May 18, 2019 2:22:00
15K Blaine, WA Apr 6, 2019 1:50:00
Half Marathon Kelowna, Canada Sep 3, 2017
Marathon Honolulu, HI 2012
Marathon Staten Island, NY 2005
Marathon Staten Island, NY 2002
Marathon Hopkinton, MA 2002

My Raves

Very flat course with stunning views the entire way! Many well stocked aid stations and Tunnel of love with chocolate and candy! Many photographers along the course at no charge … MORE

Very flat course with stunning views the entire way!
Many well stocked aid stations and Tunnel of love with chocolate and candy!
Many photographers along the course at no charge to you.
Finish line has a unique and brilliant hot oatmeal bar with many toppings to chose from. Great finish line food! I was lucky and had a glorious sunny day. It’s February so very chilly so bring lots of clothing. They have a free clothing check. Well organized which is on par for Orca events. The medals were really cute. There is a spot to put a photo from your race into the medal. There was a long sleeved shirt with the half marathon entry. I wish the shirt was red or pink for Valentine’s day. The medal was though! The graphics on the shirt were large and kind of tacky. No big deal, I have way too many shirts anyway. The shirt would be the only improvement for this race. Well worth going to, we thoroughly had a great time and would go again.


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I love this run so much! I have repeatedly run this race every year for 22 years since the day it started. What a beautiful way to be grateful! The … MORE

I love this run so much! I have repeatedly run this race every year for 22 years since the day it started. What a beautiful way to be grateful! The course is lovely the weather is always nice! They have regular and veg chili at the end and lots of other food. Costumes are a must at this event! Great location on Granville Island, head to the market after for coffee, lunch or the bakeries.


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Another great event by Orca. I am a run leader who brings my group to various events. This year I am scoping out races to find new ones for my … MORE

Another great event by Orca. I am a run leader who brings my group to various events. This year I am scoping out races to find new ones for my group. I have been doing many of Orca’s events this year. I am getting very lovely run tours of various areas near Seattle. I am from Canada and these are worth the drive! The town this is in is adorable and the people there are great! We enjoyed our stay and the community/small town vibe. I ran with a participant from my group so the pace was nice and easy. This is a bit more challenging of a course but not too bad. I loved all the Halloween decor in neighborhoods we ran through. We got a nice soft T and medal which well…..was the worst one I have gotten from them as they are usually really cool. Sorry Orca, hated this one! I am happy to elaborate if you email me and I’ll design you some cool ones! Better yet, different swag, no more shirts in my opinion of course. I would recommend this race and any that Orca does. I drive many hours to support their races. They are my current favorites.


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Smaller race with great vibe! I'm new to trail running so I found this hard as hell. The start and finish views were fantastic! Tons of elevation and a challenging … MORE

Smaller race with great vibe!

I’m new to trail running so I found this hard as hell. The start and finish views were fantastic! Tons of elevation and a challenging course for me anyway. Everyone was so friendly and personable. You got neat swag at pick up. Gels, lotions, jar of jam, Vitamin C mix, gummies, Tshirt and more. You got a draw ticket to check the prize table when you came in. I won a pair of nice shorts. The medals were hand made of wood and the logos were burnt in. Loved the earthy vibe. Amazing and unique food at the finish. They even offered my supporter snacks. They had a Slurpee machine, coffee, baked potato station and really neat food items.

Constructive feedback…
loved the signs on course which LMAO, but I’d like a few course km markers even if every 5k? Amazing course marking and you had 4 courses going at once, impressive! I only got a bit confused 1x nearer to the end. But maybe it was me tired? I just followed 2 other fools wink. The other small suggestion is the shirts but I gave this feedback already. The shirts say Freaky Creeky 50. I didn’t do the 50 so I feel like a poser and won’t wear it. I get there are 4 distances so put all or none. But if I did the 100 or the 50 I’d want that on my shirt. So for what that’s worth. All in all great event! Would do again.

My Media

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Start is at a beautiful winery and the finish line is really done well. Several wineries are lined up ready to serve you wine tastings. You just hop both to … MORE

Start is at a beautiful winery and the finish line is really done well. Several wineries are lined up ready to serve you wine tastings. You just hop both to both. Lines go fast which is nice to see. This is a better format than at another one of their events where there was a huge line up and we just left. The medal was neat and this company has great ideas for them. We got the medal disc inside of a plastic top for our outdoor medal wine glasses. These are keepers!
The course is quite pretty. It has a dirt section which I want a fan of but no big deal. Several little hills, again no big deal.

2 things which drove me nuts and hopefully they could fix……
1. Great lady announcer, however she just said the same line over and over!
2. Why the would you have the ambulance follow literally 6ft away from the last finisher? She was also well within the time limit by over and hour! Would 10 min behind her have changed your day? It would’ve changed hers! Bad move guys.

Other than this I enjoyed the race. 4 out of 5. I’d do it again but in no rush.


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As far as trail races go this one is pretty easy. Great for beginners with no elevation gain just nice rolling hills. There is no time restrictions so newbies....No excuses! … MORE

As far as trail races go this one is pretty easy. Great for beginners with no elevation gain just nice rolling hills. There is no time restrictions so newbies….No excuses! I love love love this small race who pays attention to the smallest details. I have run over 20 years and these tiny details make me giddy! She’s a after my own heart, offering a fun event that is very personalized. They are all personable and super friendly and welcome every ability runner. This race offers a big medal, a bonus chocolate medal as that is their theme, and a Seattle brand large chocolate bar to take home. If you found the names of the 3 gnomes on course then you got a bonus swag mug! Finish line buffet includes anything chocolate you can imagine. The cold chocolate milk was refreshing after a humid run. I dressed up in chocolate attire. If you are going to be slow then have fun!


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Okay so another unique idea by Orca Running Events. I have done many of their races as well as hundreds of others and I am a fussy pants. The race … MORE

Okay so another unique idea by Orca Running Events. I have done many of their races as well as hundreds of others and I am a fussy pants. The race is on Bainbridge Island which is a cute little town with a modern vibe which I wasn’t expecting. Great restaurants and shops to meander around if you are looking for a bit of a destination race. We spent the night on the island and met the ferry when it came in. Most took the ferry over that am and ran right off which was really cool to watch. They ran off the ferry and under the start arch and we were off! This is a challenging and very hilly course, and I am used to hills! Don’t let this scare you……you can walk the hills. The course is divided by 1/3 road, 1/3 non technical trail but rolling, and 1/3 road again with a downhill finish (thank god!) We ran through a really cute park which was celebrating pride that am and they were in full colors cheering us on which I enjoyed. I really enjoyed the trail portion which ended up around a golf course and back out to the road to head back the way we came. At least you knew what was coming. lol Except I didn’t remember those down portions on the way out so hmmm more damn hills!

The finish is in a little park perfect for the group size. Tacos, pickles and candy were waiting for us as Orca brings unique food to their venues (Thank you!) They always have enough for the end finishers as well which I hate when races don’t have any for them. Several aid stations along the way but wish they had some gels at them. Many had run out, but I rely on myself anyway.

Swag was great, nice t-shirt and they have been asking if we would like something else other than shirts as I have hundreds of them now. So, yes please! Always unique and great medals! They offer a bonus medal which I received at this race if you do 3 or more of their events. Yes this was great also.

Really all and all you can’t go wrong with Orca’s events. This wasn’t my favorite one of theirs but still worth doing and a fun and unique one to do.

Happy Running!


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I have done this race over and over in Whistler as well as other locations. In every aspect the races are amazing........except this year...... I was so disheartened in so … MORE

I have done this race over and over in Whistler as well as other locations. In every aspect the races are amazing……..except this year……

I was so disheartened in so many ways this time. I was with a team of 22 and of course we bring our own party and had a great time. Most were new and had no expectation for this event. If you read my reviews I am pretty skeptical and a straight shooter. I have high expectations and have been racing over 20 years.

Okay so let’s recap the day shall we and you can form your own opinions.
We drove up from Vancouver early am to attend the event. Upon arrival the price of parking a vehicle is $30 (on top of the $200 entry fee if you paid it) This is for the cheaper and far out of the way parking (note there was more pricey parking.) Like miles away, no joke. Check in was fast and efficient then off to drop a bag as you need dry clothes to finish right (because your vehicle is nowhere to be found, it would take you about an hour to get back to your group. That is if you could find your vehicle, more on that later. Bag drop is another $10 per person. (I believe parking was 20 before and bags were 5, so they upped it more)

We were there plenty early and got into our assigned corral which we had stickers with our time for 1030. We did not get to start until 1105. Okay so finally get going and there wasn’t really much mud this year as opposed to other years. The sun was out and it was very hot. There were over 30 minute line ups later on in the day to get over one easy ladder from hell obstacle. This is ridiculous!!! Of course we had newbies who wanted to try everything and not want to walk around the crowds. Why should they, they paid big money to do this. This course took our group 6 hours to complete due to the line ups. That is crazy if you aren’t aware. I have run this solo before in about 2.5.

Speaking of sun and heat, there weren’t as many water stations as I felt they should’ve had on this hilly challenging and dusty course. This was a problem for some of my members and you can’t really carry water on you on course. I believe there to be less this year. They have had food, gel stations before but those were also lacking. They used to have electrolytes and gummies at a few stops along the way. We had nothing, but I think one had bananas. I was too desperate grabbing water at that point. Side note of the thousands upon thousands of wasted cups at these events. Lets get with the times and issue everyone a reusable on to tuck in their shorts. Yes it works, I had one with me.

Okay obstacles…..really sucked this year!!! Okay, I really like the Blockness Monster and that was there at least. So the famous monkey bars weren’t there, nor the 20ft drop into water where you would run and jump onto a swinging bar to hit a cowbell. Whatever that one is called…nope! The arctic enema was well a nice place to hang out this year with the heat. Not much ice for shock factor. They did away with having to duck under the bar. Maybe you like that lol. The half pipe seemed to be half sized. All and all I got the feeling they were being sued for some safety reasons. Again, this is just a feeling with all the dumbing down of the event this year. I can’t figure any other reason as why? There were no Legionnaire obstacles at all. There is usually at least one at the finish line. Nope!

Finally coming to the finish you usually head through the electro shock, they had another immediately after that this year. It was a giant cargo net ladder. We waited 45 min to get over that and just stood there not moving. Really? People we damn near getting shocked as they couldn’t move forward to the next line. Okay it wasn’t that bad but really close to it.

Finish line you get your headbands as per usual. I am not a fan of these but people like them I guess. I feel like there should be something else as well. They hand you your t shirt next and have tiny little cups of water for you. But you have to keep moving……I’m thirsty as hell and they usually give you a bottle or 2. So I kept going back and pushing my way through to get more. They gave you a beer ticket, however I am not a beer fan. I just wanted water!!!! There was a food bar handed to you as well which was appreciated, but no other snacks, swag, or anything this year. In the past there were all sorts of goodies, and treats. Of course the pay for cafe is conveniently right there for you to go buy some over priced food and a swag tent to buy over priced gear.

Leaving…….Wow that took over an hour to find the car. There were no signs or directions how to get back to the cars. No one directing and you were left to go find it. We wandered aimlessly as there was no one to ask. My poor newbies were just done and we walked 4-5 km to find the truck. No joke! We actually found someone to drive us around! Not staff, other participants!

All and all I have to say it looks like they dropped down to half budget this year. This is my honest opinion. We still had a good time but not up to their super high standards that have blown me away in the past. I used my volunteer code for the free race which is amazing that they do. They are so good to their volunteers with food, swag etc. (well, at least previous years. I didn’t volunteer this year) I am glad I didn’t pay the money for this event, so all in all it was worth what I paid for it. That’s all I have to say about that. Cheers and happy running Shel


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Little town race with big race organization. These guys have it all and then some. This is a very unique race in the middle of no where. You need to … MORE

Little town race with big race organization. These guys have it all and then some. This is a very unique race in the middle of no where. You need to be open minded for this one. The people, volunteers, organizers are so personable and sweet. I was asked by the organizers what they could improve on and we sat down and had a conversation while drinking post race Moonshine in a rocking chair. Or maybe I just think we did? Tougher course with some hills but the heat and humidity is what makes this so challenging. Water ever mile so kudos for that. Cold sponges, watermelon, pickles, oranges, grapes and many other goodies at each station.

I’m a Hatfield and wore a shirt saying so! I got so many hugs from family and McCoys! Really, they are this sweet!

Some cool surprises on the course which I won’t spoil. Don’t rely on phones in that area! Again, you are in the middle of no where and perhaps a bit of a culture shock. I ran this with my husband, and we really enjoyed that this one was so unique. Hard to get a room so book early. I would do this again but the full next time.


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WOW JUST WOW! Orca just keeps bringing it time and time again. Every race just keeps getting better. Their races showcase the nature, diversity, and beauty of areas surrounding their … MORE

WOW JUST WOW! Orca just keeps bringing it time and time again. Every race just keeps getting better. Their races showcase the nature, diversity, and beauty of areas surrounding their home base of Seattle. I travel from Canada and they are so worth it! I’m telling you this small personable team think of every detail! Clearly they are runners and they get this. I did this run as a quick get away with hubby who isn’t a runner. It was a bit pricey but well worth it. If that’s a concern for you, Orca has got you covered! They start the race a bit later so you can walk on the ferry and a shuttle picks you up. You have no excuse not to do this. This race is small and I can’t for the life of me figure out why? PEOPLE YOU ARE MISSING OUT! This is one of my best races ever and I’ve traveled the world for hundreds of them. This is practically in my back yard.

Ok the view was spectacular the entire course. The scenary kept changing. At one point while chatting with another runner we felt we were in Tuscany and the Mediterranean. The medal is one of my all time favs, the shirt is soooo soft, you start and finish on 2 beaches, ice cream, pizza, candy bonuses at the end, they happily feed your support crew who didn’t pay (never seen that before) I’m sure I’m limited to how much I can say here but can’t say enough. I’m am blown away by the small numbers and would hate to see it disappear. Do yourself and the rest of us a favor and show support to this team so they continue to give us the best races of our lives. Do it next year! I can’t wait for my next one with them, they offer package pricing and payment options to do multiple races. I am doing 4 this year but will do another 4 next. Of course this will be one of them. I hope this helps you.


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Their events have it all! I am a fussy runner and have certain criteria I look for in selecting. (You as well right?) Orca Events put customers first! They prove … MORE

Their events have it all! I am a fussy runner and have certain criteria I look for in selecting. (You as well right?) Orca Events put customers first! They prove this time and time again and I can’t stress this enough. If food is your thing, they had soup to warm you up, buns, fruit, chips and candy mmm. Weather was a little cold at the start but great once you got going. Hey…if you’re cold….run faster! Maybe swag motivates you? Well, their medals are kick ass and the shirts are super soft and comfy. If you sign up for 4 or more you get a wicked bonus medal. They have tons of events to chose from and many distances. (They also have a trail series) So value for money checkety check on my list! Aid stations are a plenty and gels at every one so they didn’t cheap out which was nice. I want scenery (another one of my criteria) they never fall short on this. Epic courses and views, in neat little towns. Free photos, free gear check, free race day package pick up, free last minute distance switch (and they did this with a smile) Another one of their races got cancelled due to weather. Many options were provided for us to make up for it and again so easy to deal with. They also have payment plans if you want to race but have a monthly budget. They have thought of it all, but of course…..they are runners!


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Loved the entire course it had some challenging moments. Such a beauty in its entirety. A wildly unique medal at the finish line. Get there fast to scoop up the … MORE

Loved the entire course it had some challenging moments. Such a beauty in its entirety. A wildly unique medal at the finish line. Get there fast to scoop up the best snacks! A great race to plan to stay the weekend for. Enjoy the weather and the surrounding tourist attractions.


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