Las Vegas Women’s Half Marathon & 5K
Henderson, NV
Apr 9, 2022
Equestrian Park and the City of Henderson will play host to the inaugural running of the Las Vegas Half Marathon & 5K presented by Hy-Vee. This Woman’s Half Marathon and 5K, will be the “Ultimate Girl’s Running Weekend” for you and your girlfriends! Start your running season from one of … MORE
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Beautiful Race in the Mountains
This is a beautiful race on a long running trail in the mountains. There were not many volunteers or aid stations along this course, and there was not any music … MORE
This is a beautiful race on a long running trail in the mountains. There were not many volunteers or aid stations along this course, and there was not any music or big crowds to cheer runners on. During a large part of the running course, I ran solo and to run solo it took a great deal of mental strength and personal endurance to reach the finish line. I ended up placing third in the overall race. If you are going to run this race, definitely train on this course or similar courses and run on hills.
A cool return to racing!
A BIG THANK YOU to the race organizer for coming to Vegas with this fun women's only run that welcomed power walkers like me (especially after this 2-year dry spell … MORE
A BIG THANK YOU to the race organizer for coming to Vegas with this fun women’s only run that welcomed power walkers like me (especially after this 2-year dry spell of no in-person races)!
My race objective? To get out there and enjoy the morning because it’s been so long since I’ve truly trained for anything. The morning was cool, slightly overcast, and a very gentle breeze.
The course started from Equestrian Park and runs on an uphill grade — one that I quickly felt. But I found a comfortable walking pace and kept going. Hummingbirds whizzed by and a covey of quail crossed my path. Sweet bonuses that helped keep my mind off my out-of-shape body LOL
I thanked the volunteers at the aid station when grabbing some quick water. The teenage boys from a nearby high school had their own competition going — who could hand out more water or Gatorade. I went with Team Water, and got good-humoredly booed by Team Gatorade until I told them I wanted the half marathoners to have that sports drink…then Team Water booed. We all laughed.
Remember when I said this race was just for fun?
I picked up my pace after the turn around, and took advantage of the downhill grade. Then my competitive spirit kicked in when I spotted two walkers ahead of me. Could I pass them before they started running (because that’s usually what happens LOL). Yep, I did…eventually…and enjoyed a nice negative split.
This was really a nice race, well organized, and a beautiful finisher medal to keep and display! The Las Vegas Women’s Half Marathon & 5K is truly one of my “gotta do again” races.
I surely hope this event returns next year despite having less than 300 participants for both distances. The pandemic continues to keep people — like me — a little shy of big in-person events (that’s why I started waaay after everyone else did).