I don't know that I'd do this one again. The course was not very well marked and the turns were confusing as it doubles back a couple of times. If … MORE
I don’t know that I’d do this one again. The course was not very well marked and the turns were confusing as it doubles back a couple of times. If there wasn’t a volunteer at a turn, you weren’t always sure which way to go and there was rarely an arrow telling you to keep straight after an intersection. The course map is also confusing, often with arrows in both directions as the course is an out and back. The most confusing bit being the start. The start is just a line on the ground saying “HM start” and there’s no arrow telling you which direction to start in. The race offered an early start, which I did, which was just a few of us told to start a half hour early with no one to direct us or send us off. Thus, a few of us started in the wrong direction as the course map seemed to indicate to do so. We didn’t find out until we were 2 miles in. Luckily, the RD told us where to turn around on the course to get the proper mileage without having to run 17 miles.
I can’t speak to the scenery in the second half of the course, but from the course map it looks like it would be pretty. I can say that the paved rail trail is nice as it is completely tree lined and shady. The race is aptly named as it was very hilly and I’m sure those hills continued through the rest of the course.
The course is open to traffic, with police at major intersections. This really wasn’t an issue as Hamden is a pretty sleepy town on a Saturday morning.
Confusing course
I don't know that I'd do this one again. The course was not very well marked and the turns were confusing as it doubles back a couple of times. If … MORE
I don’t know that I’d do this one again. The course was not very well marked and the turns were confusing as it doubles back a couple of times. If there wasn’t a volunteer at a turn, you weren’t always sure which way to go and there was rarely an arrow telling you to keep straight after an intersection. The course map is also confusing, often with arrows in both directions as the course is an out and back. The most confusing bit being the start. The start is just a line on the ground saying “HM start” and there’s no arrow telling you which direction to start in. The race offered an early start, which I did, which was just a few of us told to start a half hour early with no one to direct us or send us off. Thus, a few of us started in the wrong direction as the course map seemed to indicate to do so. We didn’t find out until we were 2 miles in. Luckily, the RD told us where to turn around on the course to get the proper mileage without having to run 17 miles.
I can’t speak to the scenery in the second half of the course, but from the course map it looks like it would be pretty. I can say that the paved rail trail is nice as it is completely tree lined and shady. The race is aptly named as it was very hilly and I’m sure those hills continued through the rest of the course.
The course is open to traffic, with police at major intersections. This really wasn’t an issue as Hamden is a pretty sleepy town on a Saturday morning.