This was a super enjoyable 10K, and the finish line "brew-ha-ha" were great! While I may not repeat all of Tour de Fit in 2016, I do plan on repeating … MORE
This was a super enjoyable 10K, and the finish line “brew-ha-ha” were great! While I may not repeat all of Tour de Fit in 2016, I do plan on repeating this event!
Very fun fall training race!
This was a super enjoyable 10K, and the finish line "brew-ha-ha" were great! While I may not repeat all of Tour de Fit in 2016, I do plan on repeating … MORE
This was a super enjoyable 10K, and the finish line “brew-ha-ha” were great! While I may not repeat all of Tour de Fit in 2016, I do plan on repeating this event!
My 5k PR
Cool race. Beer afterwards. So that's a plus. This was my 5k PR so I wanted to get it added. Good times. Course was a little boring, just a couple … MORE
Cool race. Beer afterwards. So that’s a plus. This was my 5k PR so I wanted to get it added. Good times. Course was a little boring, just a couple miles around Davis, CA. Not much to see, except going over the freeway. But still a fun day. I actually think this race was in the afternoon.
Beer at the finish, mug and medal
Another fall evening race in Davis, weather can get hot before dark. First year it was located near Sudwerks, then moved near the Davis Senior High School. Mostly flat course, … MORE
Another fall evening race in Davis, weather can get hot before dark. First year it was located near Sudwerks, then moved near the Davis Senior High School. Mostly flat course, the most “hilly” things get involve any freeway overpasses. Participation medals optional, some included a bottle opener on the back, one year had a plastic beer mug, previous year had a glass beer mug/pint glass. Part of ACOP Tour de Fit.