Carbon Valley Half Marathon is a cute little race in Fredericks, CO. I think there were less then 80 half marathon runners, and apparently there was a half marathon relay … MORE
Carbon Valley Half Marathon is a cute little race in Fredericks, CO. I think there were less then 80 half marathon runners, and apparently there was a half marathon relay option. The race is small. The town is newer, with a mix of beautiful homes and parks and trails with tons of farmland…this is important!
The race started off at the town new sports facility…but quickly we ran across the street into a muddy farm street. Despite always 4 straight days of rain in the Denver metro area, the dirt road wasn’t obnoxiously muddy, it was just hard to run on since it was flat and basically was the shape of any tire that’s been rolling on that road…so bumpy…uneven…and lasted about a mile. The next mile and a half was low gravel farm road. Much easier to run on. Eventually we transitioned to sidewalk/town cycling and running trail and that was the majority of the race, about 10 miles. Mile 8 was a turn around, and we continued on the sidewalk/ town cycling trail, until mile 11 when we once again transitioned to low farm road gravel. The race was on low gravel until the last half mile when we returned back to firm road/sidewalk.
My Garmin only showed 12.89 miles…so I don’t know if I lost some mileage due to location or if the race was slightly short.
Post race they had medals, a small beer garden, fruit and chips and small post race snacks.
The medal was simple.
Its a small race...big heart!
Carbon Valley Half Marathon is a cute little race in Fredericks, CO. I think there were less then 80 half marathon runners, and apparently there was a half marathon relay … MORE
Carbon Valley Half Marathon is a cute little race in Fredericks, CO. I think there were less then 80 half marathon runners, and apparently there was a half marathon relay option. The race is small. The town is newer, with a mix of beautiful homes and parks and trails with tons of farmland…this is important!
The race started off at the town new sports facility…but quickly we ran across the street into a muddy farm street. Despite always 4 straight days of rain in the Denver metro area, the dirt road wasn’t obnoxiously muddy, it was just hard to run on since it was flat and basically was the shape of any tire that’s been rolling on that road…so bumpy…uneven…and lasted about a mile. The next mile and a half was low gravel farm road. Much easier to run on. Eventually we transitioned to sidewalk/town cycling and running trail and that was the majority of the race, about 10 miles. Mile 8 was a turn around, and we continued on the sidewalk/ town cycling trail, until mile 11 when we once again transitioned to low farm road gravel. The race was on low gravel until the last half mile when we returned back to firm road/sidewalk.
My Garmin only showed 12.89 miles…so I don’t know if I lost some mileage due to location or if the race was slightly short.
Post race they had medals, a small beer garden, fruit and chips and small post race snacks.
The medal was simple.
Nice small town race!
This was the first time running this race in my own town. While it is a small race, the directors put on a good production for it. They dont have … MORE
This was the first time running this race in my own town. While it is a small race, the directors put on a good production for it. They dont have an expo, but you pick up your race bib and shirt at the local rec center. Its quick and smooth. You do get to see the mountains in the distance and run through part of the neighborhoods. Hydration stations are enough. It was warm that morning, but more so closer to finishing time. They had music and a small after party with a beer garden, as well, in the park. I enjoy doing this race occasionally.