Make the Australian Outback Marathon the running event of your year! Although this race is popular with local runners, for most, it’s a once in a lifetime experience. It’s not every day marathoners get to take in the stunning views of Uluru (Ayers Rock) and Kata Tjuta (the Olgas) as …
Make the Australian Outback Marathon the running event of your year!
Although this race is popular with local runners, for most, it’s a once in a lifetime experience. It’s not every day marathoners get to take in the stunning views of Uluru (Ayers Rock) and Kata Tjuta (the Olgas) as the kilometres tick by.
Enjoyed by both professional runners, club runners, casual runners and beginners, there are events for all running levels including the full marathon, half marathon, 11km and 6km fun runs. In addition to its beauty, the course is relatively flat, with only a couple inclines and sand dunes. Most of the course is on unsealed roads, bush tracks and soft-sand trails, with a few small sand dunes and plenty of Australia’s famed “Red Earth” thrown in for good measure.
Our itineraries are designed to suit all budgets and travel plans. Each package includes shuttle services, first class accommodation, and guaranteed race entry. Whichever event you intend to enter, do it today so you don’t miss out!
Beating all COVID-19 could throw.
A month before the event there were 500 Australian Runners entered. Then COVID-19 Delta got a hold in Sydney, NSW and Victoria. The organisers quarantined in Alice Springs for 14 … MORE
A month before the event there were 500 Australian Runners entered. Then COVID-19 Delta got a hold in Sydney, NSW and Victoria. The organisers quarantined in Alice Springs for 14 days then drove the 4 hours to Uluru. Border closures and flight cancelations saw the numbers able to make the event drop to 200. Amongst the problems they faced was the non delivery of 4 sets of Chest numbers with the numbers eventually used arriving the evening before the event Race day saw the toughest conditions in the events history with 28 Celcius and 42 km/hour winds buffeting the runnerd in the latter stages of the event.
Despite all this Travelling Fit put on a magnificent event in the centre of Australia. The run was well organised and the local community around the course manned the regular drink stops and road crossings with a ready smile and co operation. There was a great medal at the finish with a sausage sizzle and plentiful liquids and chocolate muffins. Travelling Fit offer a number of packages allowing the runners to experience the Red Centre and the area around Uluru to the best. The traveling Fit crew treat all their guests and runners like life long friends and bend over backwards to make sure every one has the best possible time.
Those who weren’t able to make the trip were encouraged to run virtual Outback events and sent their race medals and Fee shirt on completion.
The were too many amazing stories of determination and perserverance by runners to list here. A great event.
The Photo is of Lorraine , Barbara and my wife ,Diane at the end of their 1/2 Marathon , Ulutu in the background.
Classy, Organized, Fun
One of the classiest and organized destination races available. If your family threw a race for your family this is what it feels like. The entertaining race orientation which brought … MORE
One of the classiest and organized destination races available. If your family threw a race for your family this is what it feels like. The entertaining race orientation which brought together the native culture and owners of the lands we would be running on, the race directors, team members, and volunteers, and finally the participants on a first name basis, everyone became one with one goal- to give all the runners the experience of a lifetime in a very special and unique setting.
The race itself was stunning and well supported. It can be hot and sunny, and plenty of soft sound abounds, however there were plenty of well supplied drink stations along the way which even included sunscreen. We even got to the starting line earlier enough to see the “Field of Lights”- ordinarily an excursion unto itself.
Strongly recommend the all-inclusive package that includes top notch dining experiences/events throughout your stay culminating with an unforgettable white glove dinner out under the stars. Everything is detailed to please- this was every much about an unforgettable vacation as it was once in a lifetime race. Well done!
One of a kind views, lifelong mates!
Running in a place as spiritual as Uluru is indescribable. Though I am still shaking red sand from my shoes, the experience and people I have met along the way … MORE
Running in a place as spiritual as Uluru is indescribable. Though I am still shaking red sand from my shoes, the experience and people I have met along the way will not soon be forgotten. The traveling fit crew did an amazing job welcoming runners from across the globe. Volunteers ensured water stops were plenty and the intersectionality of races ensured spectators were nearby.
Lots of Sand Dunes...and more sand
The staff of Travelling Fit go above and beyond to give a personal touch to all participants. The compulsory race briefing was very informative, filled with humour and really captured … MORE
The staff of Travelling Fit go above and beyond to give a personal touch to all participants. The compulsory race briefing was very informative, filled with humour and really captured the essence of how much the organizers care about each runner. They took time to recognize the countries of each participant by having them stand when their country was named; they recognized individuals who were on personal goals for fund raising or milestone events (they mentioned that it was mine and another’s 7th Continent Marathon finisher and another individuals 7th Half Marathon) and they recognized special groups such as the Aboriginal Running Initiative and the US Marines who were supporting or running in the race. The organization of the dinners in three separate locations was also very well received. The route is a tough well marked course with lots of water stations, sand dunes and more sand. Did I mention the sand dunes. T Shirt design is great, but order a size or two larger as they are made in China and a Large may really fit like a medium.
Extremely well organized.
Very Cool start in the A.M. 38 degrees Fahrenheit/ 4 Celsius and 76 degrees/ 23 Celsius by midday. 5-6 sand dunes with moderate-heavy sand but most of the track is … MORE
Very Cool start in the A.M. 38 degrees Fahrenheit/ 4 Celsius and 76 degrees/ 23 Celsius by midday. 5-6 sand dunes with moderate-heavy sand but most of the track is hard packed red dirt/gravel. Trail shoes not necessary. A must on your bucket list! Extremely well organized and supported. First class operation!
7th continent and BEST marathon(not PR)
I wasn't ready for the sandy road we ran on. Some places (uphill) the sand was pretty deep, like running on the beach. I ran out of energy by mile … MORE
I wasn’t ready for the sandy road we ran on. Some places (uphill) the sand was pretty deep, like running on the beach. I ran out of energy by mile 18 but the beauty of the course more than made up for the difficulty. Great race organizers. Absolutely fantastic experience.
Long way to go to see a big rock
Ran this race as part of my 7 continents pursuit (now complete - yea!!!). Needless to say it is in Ayers Rock Australia not quite next door to Indiana. Took … MORE
Ran this race as part of my 7 continents pursuit (now complete – yea!!!). Needless to say it is in Ayers Rock Australia not quite next door to Indiana. Took a little bit of traveling to get there – 24 hours and 3 planes and a bus ride. But we made it after a prerace 3 day side trip to Sydney (great) and a 2 day post race to Port Douglas and the GBR (Great Barrier Reef). The race itself was totally unspectacular. No problem with organization, swag or accommodations – they were all fine. Of course you are a thousand miles in the middle of the Australian outback and there are only 2 hotels there so it is kind of irrelevant if you like the accommodations or not. So if you don’t like your hotel room your choice is sleep in the outback in the red dirt with the camels and dingos. But our hotel was fine. But back to the race. The race is held in Ayers Rock home of guess what? – Ayers Rock. Ayers Rock is a deeply religious symbol of the native Aborigines. It is in the middle of the outback surround by many other rock formations that all have religious meaning to the Aborigines. The outback is pretty much a desert made of red sand and dunes.
We spent 3 days there – first couple of days touring the area. The Aborigines want your money and put on a good show but basically are none to happy to have you there trampling and ruining there native areas and heritages. But this is about the race. Day 3 we ran the race. Walked to the start. Only about 150 people total in the full and half marathon so crowd control and parking were not a real big issue. The course was a 13.1 mile loop – twice around for the marathoners. Lots of red dirt and sand. Occasional sand dune combined with hills but not overall exhausting. Some parts of the course had fabulous scenery – such as looking at Ayers Rock with the sun behind it. Other parts were really head scratching such as running behind the electrical station. So it was an educational experience to run Ayers Rock. Always good to learn about other peoples culture and way of life. So if you go run Ayers Rock but don’t miss other parts of Australia such as Sydney and the GBR