The Name Says It All! Yes the course is challenging, the weather is hot, but what else would you expect at The Hell of a Half Marathon? Oh, and don’t worry, there are a lot of other crazies who will join you during your 13.1 mile battle. This race sells …
The Name Says It All! Yes the course is challenging, the weather is hot, but what else would you expect at The Hell of a Half Marathon? Oh, and don’t worry, there are a lot of other crazies who will join you during your 13.1 mile battle. This race sells out every year and continues to grow. You know what you are made of, so sign up now before you regret not getting in.
– 10 Aid Stations, loaded with Ice, Water, Gatorade, and GU’s. We also encourage you to carry your own hydration
– FREE Kiwanis Grilled Breakfast
– FREE Frozen Fruit Bars
– FREE Race Photos
– FREE Race Tracking with Race Joy
– FREE Live Race Results
– Michelob Ultra Beer Garden. Yes, that’s FREE too!
– 2 Live Bands (on the course, and at the finish)
– Age Group Awards – Overall Male/Female Awards
– Women’s Tech Tank Top
– Men’s Short-Sleeve Tech Shirt
– Race Swag pending
– $100 Visa card for Largest Team Entered
– Awesome Finishers Medal
– 2nd Qualifying Race: Run The Valley Series
Hell of a Challenge!
In a word, this race is HELL. But sooo much fun and a great challenge, if you're into seeing how well you can do at a race in the Central … MORE
In a word, this race is HELL. But sooo much fun and a great challenge, if you’re into seeing how well you can do at a race in the Central Valley in August that has a starting temperature of (normally) high 60s (this year was 73) and can easily climb to 85-90 degrees when the race concludes. Add to that roughly 720 feet of total elevation climbed with two MASSIVE hills to do that have zero shade, and you WILL feel like a badass when you complete this race!
The course is mostly on closed roads, maybe a few random cars having to get by. Given the temperatures, there were 10 aid stations with water, Gatorade, and some had cooling towels and sponges to dowse you with water, and a couple water guns! One aid station had a ton of various snacks. Always great volunteers come out to support this race.
This year was my 6th time doing this race. The race organization is top notch. The medals and swag are always incredible. The race director is super cool and creates a fun post race atmosphere with ample shade in the park for relaxing and enjoying the GOOD free food that is always a part of the event. This year there were berry/granola bowls with fresh fruit but in years past there were burritos, pancakes, stuff like that. Either way, always better than a generic granola bar and banana!
I would recommend this race to anyone wanting to challenge themselves to a half marathon that is different.
Challenging race, fantastic support
The Hell of a Half Marathon in Exeter, CA (near Visalia) is part of the Run the Valley Series. This race lives up to its name. August in the valley … MORE
The Hell of a Half Marathon in Exeter, CA (near Visalia) is part of the Run the Valley Series.
This race lives up to its name. August in the valley is regularly 80+ degrees. This year we were lucky with a start in the mid 60’s, getting up to low 80s at the finish.
The course is a loop course with two big hills, each about 1 mile uphill (but returning back down). See profile picture attached.
The course support is fantastic. There are 11 aid stations on the course. They know it’s hot, so at many of the aid stations you can get a sponge full of ice water squeezed on you to help cool down. It feels sooooo good!
Post race is good. There is plenty of shade in the park, and breakfast burritos are available in addition to water and electrolyte drinks, and a beer garden.
Medals are fantastic, and the race offers free results stickers for the back of the medal to record your finish time.
I recommend this smaller race!
It lives up to its name!
This is a hard race! First of all, the race is held in the central valley of California in August. That means its HOT. Even at the start of the … MORE
This is a hard race! First of all, the race is held in the central valley of California in August. That means its HOT. Even at the start of the race. By the end, you can feel the heat from the pavement through the soles of your shoes. The first 4 miles or so or more or less flat, but after that, forget it. You start up a huge hill that seems never ending, it levels out for a bit, then there’s a wonderful short downhill. Tiny bit more flat, and then another huge hill. Final downhill, which feels great, then flat for the last 2 miles. Of course, by the time you hit the last 2 miles your legs are so shaky you can barely run! One thing fantastic about this race is the course support. 10 (!) aid stations, supplied with Gatorade, water and GU, along with volunteers with sponges full of cool water to rinse you down if you need it (you will). Right before the last big hill, there is a fantastic aid station with salty and sweet food items, and plenty of fluids. Still, be sure to carry your own hydration. The heat and hills are brutal. What’s funny is that there are tons of repeat runners. This is the third time I’ve run this race, and I’m sure I’ll be back again. If you want something challenging, come join us in Exeter in August!
Appropriate name, Fantastic support
Hell of a Half Marathon is held in Exeter, CA, just outside of Visalia. It is held in August, which puts the summer heat into play. In 2021, the race … MORE
Hell of a Half Marathon is held in Exeter, CA, just outside of Visalia. It is held in August, which puts the summer heat into play. In 2021, the race temps were in the high 80s (and the temperature keeps rising after the race!)
The course is a large loop. Out into the hills, over one large hill, and then head over a second hill on your way back.
Although the temps are hot, the aid stations have plenty to drink, trail race quality food choices, and they have ice water the volunteers will pour onto you if desired. Some of the best course support I’ve ever had at a race.
The race has plenty of parking near the start, race day packet pickup, and packet pickup is available in a couple different cities on the days prior to the race.
Post race entertainment, a good breakfast provided by the Kiwanis, and a beer garden are available, as well as post race massage and ice baths for your feet.
T-shirt or women’s tank for shirt options, and a beer/soda growler that can be filled for half price after the race.