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Schenectady, NY Raving since 2019 50 States hopeful/finisher Active 2 years, 6 months ago

About Me

  • Running club(s):

    none at the moment!

  • Rave race:

    Mesa-PHX (half) Marathon

  • Race that's calling my name:

    Football Hall of Fame Half Marathon

  • I run because:

    It reminds me what I’m capable of, and gives me something to constantly strive for.

My Races

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Half Marathon



(Marathon or Ultra) + Half

Marathon + Ultra


Future Races

Personal Bests (8)

Race Distance Location Date Result
Marathon Schenectady, NY Oct 13, 2019 5:15:32
Half Marathon New Kent, VA May 1, 2021 1:50:17
10 Miler Schenectady, NY May 30, 2021 1:18:41
15K Utica, NY 2009 1:09:00
5 Miler Schenectady, NY Mar 13, 2021 41:11
3.5 Miler Albany, NY 2022 29:05
5K Portland, ME Jun 22, 2019 27:01
1 Miler Rockport, MA Aug 4, 2019 9:44

Future Races (5)

Race Distance Location Date Paid
Half Marathon Pine Bluff, AR TBD
Marathon Gilsum, NH TBD
Half Marathon Rehoboth Beach, DE TBD
Half Marathon Teec Nos Pos, AZ TBD
Half Marathon Key West, FL TBD

Past Races (51)

Race Distance Location Date Result My Raves My Performance
15K Utica, NY Jul 10, 2022 1:22:48
Marathon Schenectady, NY May 29, 2022 5:29:43
Half Marathon Ipswich, MA Apr 23, 2022 2:09:53
Half Marathon Altamont, NY Apr 16, 2022 1:51:47
5 Miler Schenectady, NY Mar 12, 2022 46:49
3.5 Miler Albany, NY 2022 29:05
Half Marathon Altamont, NY Nov 21, 2021 2:01:30
15K Schenectady, NY Nov 14, 2021 1:22:30
10K Penn Yan, NY Sep 26, 2021
Half Marathon Penn Yan, NY Sep 25, 2021
95 Mile Relay Hartford, CT Aug 28, 2021
Half Marathon Georgetown, DC Aug 8, 2021 2:01:28
10 Miler Schenectady, NY May 30, 2021 1:18:41
Half Marathon New Kent, VA May 1, 2021 1:50:17
Half Marathon Altamont, NY Apr 17, 2021 1:55:24
5 Miler Schenectady, NY Mar 13, 2021 41:11
Half Marathon Altamont, NY Nov 15, 2020 2:05:36
Half Marathon Voorheesville, NY Oct 31, 2020 2:35:10
Half Marathon Henderson, NV Oct 18, 2020
Half Marathon Altamont, NY Aug 29, 2020 2:16:28
Half Marathon Mesa, AZ Feb 8, 2020 1:55:37
Half Marathon Austin, TX Jan 19, 2020 1:58:43
Half Marathon Tacoma, WA Dec 14, 2019 2:15:25
15K Schenectady, NY Nov 10, 2019
Half Marathon Alpharetta, GA Nov 3, 2019 2:18:05
Marathon Schenectady, NY Oct 13, 2019 5:15:32
Half Marathon Nashville, TN Sep 29, 2019 2:18:43
Half Marathon Swanzey, NH Sep 1, 2019 2:08:46
Half Marathon Rockport, MA Aug 4, 2019 2:42:05
1 Miler Rockport, MA Aug 4, 2019 9:44
5K Rockport, MA Aug 4, 2019 29:21
5K Boothbay Harbor, ME Jul 27, 2019 29:29
Half Marathon Waitsfield, VT Jul 7, 2019 2:24:24
5K Portland, ME Jun 22, 2019 27:01
Half Marathon Philadelphia, PA Jun 2, 2019
Half Marathon Redding, CT May 5, 2019 2:33:36
Half Marathon Slingerlands, NY Apr 13, 2019 2:06:49
Half Marathon Durham, NC Mar 17, 2019 2:05:32
Half Marathon Mesa, AZ Feb 9, 2019 2:07:07
Half Marathon Austin, TX Jan 20, 2019 2:08:31
15K Schenectady, NY Nov 11, 2018 1:30:39
Half Marathon Manchester Center, VT Sep 8, 2018 2:53:49
Half Marathon Portland, ME Jun 23, 2018 2:19:17
Half Marathon Carlsbad, CA Jan 14, 2018 2:47:01
15K Schenectady, NY Nov 12, 2017 1:29:25
Half Marathon Portland, ME Jul 8, 2017 2:09:53
Half Marathon Portland, ME Jul 9, 2016 2:11:13
Half Marathon Teton Village, WY Jun 11, 2016 2:12:40
15K Schenectady, NY 2016 1:27:20
Half Marathon Portland, ME Jul 11, 2015 2:29:45
15K Utica, NY 2009 1:09:00

My Raves

Taking place in the city, you wouldn’t expect this race to have many hills. It starts downhill and then alternates between a few flat stretches, slight downhills, gradual uphills, and … MORE

Taking place in the city, you wouldn’t expect this race to have many hills. It starts downhill and then alternates between a few flat stretches, slight downhills, gradual uphills, and ends with an almost all downhill mile. Fun, challenging, and seamlessly organized.


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I’m biased. This is my home course, along the path I run almost every day. It’s gorgeous, green, pretty flat, intimate without being cramped. The 10 mile race is along … MORE

I’m biased. This is my home course, along the path I run almost every day. It’s gorgeous, green, pretty flat, intimate without being cramped.

The 10 mile race is along the bike path that parallels the Mohawk River, almost the entire race. There are a few small inclines, but they are barely noticeable. There are enough twists and turns along the bike path that it always feels like something different.

The way the race was set up, some marathoners and 10-milers passed each in opposite directions. That added another degree of excitement and inspiration to me – I got to see folks still going strong, after they’d begun their race an hour before I did and still had a ways to go!

This year was the inaugural year, and although it was high 80’s the week prior, it was rainy and 50’s day of. Still, water stops were fully supported and there was a great crew of cheerleaders along the way.

I would highly recommend this race for anyone looking for a fast 10-mile point to point course with some nice scenery along the way!

Pic below is of the last .1 miles – runners had just turned right away from the riverside bike path to do somewhat of a U-turn toward ur finish!

My Media

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Each year it only gets better. Fast course, good people, a great atmosphere. I love the heat lamps at the start, the fireworks that go off in the beginning, and … MORE

Each year it only gets better. Fast course, good people, a great atmosphere. I love the heat lamps at the start, the fireworks that go off in the beginning, and the tremendous expo at the end of the race! I always make sure to take advantage of the free massage offered by Massage Envy when it is available.


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This was my second year running this race, and I loved it even more! Between all the photo ops, UnderArmor race shirt, expo, freebies from 3M, and great volunteers, the … MORE

This was my second year running this race, and I loved it even more! Between all the photo ops, UnderArmor race shirt, expo, freebies from 3M, and great volunteers, the race was great even before we got to the starting line.

A few things really made my experience amazing this year:
-Clear and frequent communication via email – helpful reminders about logistics, drop-off, timing, and gear check
-GEAR CHECK! At the start of the race it was “feels like” 28 degrees. Ubering to the race, we had no idea how we would stay warm afterward… until we received that reminder email about the gear check. It was quick, easy, free, and well organized – and made our lives significantly easier!
-Frequent and well organized water stops, with clear signage… including “Nuun,” “Gu,” “Water,” and “Medical Tent” signs that were easy to see! Volunteers were even yelling what they were handing out, so runners didn’t have to guess. It was fabulous. I honestly have not ever seen so many medical tent options, and it was nice to see the support.
-Cheer squads! Many people cheering along the course.
-Downhill race – kind of rolling hills, but with more downhill than uphill. It is a fast course! I will always recommend.


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I loved starting and finishing this race in the shopping plaza. Weird, but it kind of kept everyone together. It was a cool race and I enjoyed the course. I … MORE

I loved starting and finishing this race in the shopping plaza. Weird, but it kind of kept everyone together. It was a cool race and I enjoyed the course. I ran it completely alone but really had a nice time! I would highly recommend.


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This was my first marathon ever, and I'll admit I wasn't 100% prepared in terms of training. This course was phenomenal, and the organization/water stations were even better! I would … MORE

This was my first marathon ever, and I’ll admit I wasn’t 100% prepared in terms of training. This course was phenomenal, and the organization/water stations were even better! I would recommend the Mohawk Hudson Marathon to anyone interested in a quick, flat course.

What stood out most:
-Water stops frequently included gatorade, water, and a few had a variety of “GU”s to choose from.
-Each water station was manned by many volunteers, many of whom appeared to be high school runners! It was great to have their goofy and enthusiastic encouragement 🙂
-Spectators along the way with some awesome signs, and sometimes pump up music!
-Beautiful course along the bike path – some may find that boring and redundant, but I found it to be so beautiful with the surrounding trees, changing leaves, tunnels, bridges, views of the river, and FLAT terrain.
-Consistent and clear mile markers each mile, with cute quotes on each one.
-Phenomenal weather. 45 degrees at the start, and no more than 65ish by the finish.
-Free massages provided at the end

-There was apparently a medical tent at miles 18 and… 20-something. I was desperately in search of some icy hot or something to cover up a sharp nagging pain in my ankle, so was looking forward to stopping. I saw a sign for “medical tent ahead” (I think) and didn’t see any tent – just a couple cop cars – so kept going. I must have missed it, which was kind of a bummer. I wish the tents had been actual tents – would have been easier and more welcoming to just pop in to get assistance. Also, it felt a little late to have the first med tent at mile 18, but there didn’t seem to be any issues.
-This did not affect me in any way because I was not trying to qualify for Boston… but there is a set of railroad tracks around mile 18 and the race directors did not seem to know whether trains would come through. It was worded as “there is a timing mat before the tracks, so if a train comes through you will stop and then have your time adjusted”… but that would not be accepted by Boston. That may affect those looking to use this race as a qualifier, but it didn’t look like there were any issues with that.


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This is my second event completed with Premier Event Management, and the events are still really subpar in terms of organization. I continue to sign up for them because the … MORE

This is my second event completed with Premier Event Management, and the events are still really subpar in terms of organization.

I continue to sign up for them because the price is right (they have a tiered registration fee and I can usually buy a bib for under $50) and I really enjoy running the races. The courses are usually pretty decent, the medals are pretty, and the tech shirts are cool. If you are someone who is pretty self-sufficient and flexible about your races, and are just looking for cool women’s races in different states, I totally recommend!

This race was VERY fun because it ended through the top of the Nashville baseball stadium. The stadium itself was GORGEOUS, with sitting areas, ping pong, and different photo opps.

To give an idea of the lack of competency of the organizers, here is a snippet from my review of the March 2019 Durham Women’s half marathon:

“We were all lined up and ready to go when he announced that we would be delayed for a few minutes due to a truck blocking the route about 2 miles in. Then he provided an update that there was another hazard. This continued every couple of minutes, until the race began about 30 minutes late.”

…that was 7 months ago. Almost the same thing happened for this race, except I think we started only 15-20 minutes late this time.

For this race, it was 90+ degrees and they failed to set up and stock the Mile 8 water station in time for most of the runners to come through. While Gatorade was promised, none of the stops had it. One of the first water stops was just a folding table with a few gallon jugs of water sitting on it… unmanned, no cups.

Did I mention it was 90+ degrees outside, and the course was primarily out in the open with no shade anywhere? A few runners passed out unconscious, and there was rumor that one runner appeared to have hit her head pretty badly on the way down. Since there didn’t seem to be any med tents, EMT’s had to carry one of the runners down a steep grass hill to the ambulance after several runners had stopped to assist.

At the finish line, there was no clear way to get water or post-race beverages – while they were there in ice-filled tubs, there was no signage and seemed to be very few volunteers directing “traffic” of the finishers.

The post-race free beer was provided from an outdoor bar in the baseball stadium, and was the next step after runners finished the race, grabbed water/gatorade, and a few of the snacks provided. Unfortunately, the stadium staff (who were very kind and apologetic!) informed us that we were not allowed to bring ANY food into the stadium… so we had to choose between throwing out all of the post-race snacks or eating them before going into the post-race celebration area. It was kind of weird, and would have been better if this had been communicated in advance. Perhaps it was and I missed it… but I don’t recall.

A day or two after the race, the race director sent out a long email explaining all the reasons behind the issues – and instead of reading like an apology or offering any sort of compensation (there was no discount or coupon code, freebie, or promo for another race), it read just like a giant list of excuses. I may have felt sympathetic if I hadn’t already lived through something similar in March from the same company, but now it just seems like a trend.

These are all issues that could have been completely avoided with proper planning, anticipating, and securing of volunteers.

Again, I will continue to do these races because they are in neat, unique places and the courses have been different. I came prepared with my own GU’s and water, and was lucky not to face any medical issues during the race… so I was not negatively affected as much as others who expected to receive the support they were promised along the course. The race itself is enjoyable and fun, and it’s a shame that Premier Event Management seems to be understaffed and over its head. I am also signed up for the Alpharetta Women’s Half in November, so stay tuned!


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I really enjoyed this race both for the course (just enough hills to make you work for it, without it being too impossible) and the atmosphere. It is a smaller … MORE

I really enjoyed this race both for the course (just enough hills to make you work for it, without it being too impossible) and the atmosphere. It is a smaller race and a little disorganized at the start… a little unclear where to go for the start, and I think they shot off the start gun before everyone could hear major announcements. This being said, everyone racing was so friendly and it was a great time!
Post-race BBQ was a major plus!


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Triple threat is a challenge, but worth it! The mile, 5k and half all finish up the same hill and it's kind of neat to be able to race the … MORE

Triple threat is a challenge, but worth it!
The mile, 5k and half all finish up the same hill and it’s kind of neat to be able to race the same finish three times in a row.
The mile was fun, quick, and enoyable.
The views were spectacular, and the community was really great. So many friendly people. Would definitely recommend!


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Triple threat is a challenge, but worth it! The mile, 5k and half all finish up the same hill and it's kind of neat to be able to race the … MORE

Triple threat is a challenge, but worth it!
The mile, 5k and half all finish up the same hill and it’s kind of neat to be able to race the same finish three times in a row.
The 5k was fun, quick, and enoyable.
The views were spectacular, and the community was really great. So many friendly people. Would definitely recommend!


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Triple threat is a challenge, but worth it! The mile, 5k and half all finish up the same hill and it's kind of neat to be able to race the … MORE

Triple threat is a challenge, but worth it!
The mile, 5k and half all finish up the same hill and it’s kind of neat to be able to race the same finish three times in a row.
This course was hillier than it seemed, and with a 9:15am start it was unbearably hot! Luckily, so many amazing spectators cheered on runners and volunteered to spray us with hoses and handed out extra water.
The views were spectacular, and the community was really great. So many friendly people. Would definitely recommend!


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This is the hilliest race I’ve ever run. Do not expect a PR, but expect a feeling of accomplishment like none other! Packet pickup was low key and easy, and … MORE

This is the hilliest race I’ve ever run. Do not expect a PR, but expect a feeling of accomplishment like none other!

Packet pickup was low key and easy, and the shirts are fitted, soft and cute! Highlights of the weekend were the live concert two days before on the Mad River green, and the farmers market the morning before the race.

The race was small enough to feel intimate, but large enough to be a really great experience. The marathon and half run together on the same course for the first 5 miles or so, and then meet up a little later.

The community feel of the race made the endless and steep hills much more bearable! Everyone was incredibly nice and supportive.

Most amazing part? The last few miles were almost completely downhill. I’d really recommend this race, especially for the views and the amazingly challenging course!

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After 4 years of running the half, I really enjoyed this 5k. It started uphill for about the first mile, but the downhills for the following miles were worth it! … MORE

After 4 years of running the half, I really enjoyed this 5k. It started uphill for about the first mile, but the downhills for the following miles were worth it!

Some unique things about this race:
-It began 15 minutes after the half, so we lined up perpendicular to the half runners and got to watch them begin.
-The 5k merged with the half around mile 2, and then turned off into a side street for the finish.

The post race party was, as always, fantastic! This year it seemed a little less well-run. There were tremendously long lines for post race snacks, pizza and beer. The band was amazing and had so many runners dancing!

The shirts have been hit or miss over the years, but this year’s tank top was great. Definitely continue to recommend this race!


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New favorite race! I ran the "Mighty Cow Challenge," which was a 5k immediately followed by the main half marathon race. It was the first time I have ever run … MORE

New favorite race! I ran the “Mighty Cow Challenge,” which was a 5k immediately followed by the main half marathon race. It was the first time I have ever run more than the half marathon, and I was a little injured. Thanks to the community, amazing runners and race organizers, I STILL enjoyed the race more than ever!

Upon packet pickup, I was blown away by the beauty and serenity of New Pond Farm. “Run for the Cows” is no joke! The race is literally surrounded by dairy cows and begins and ends on the farm, with the last few meters through a barn and across a grassy yard.

I enjoyed the rural beauty of the course, as we passed ponds, woods, small waterfalls, and creeks. It was almost pretty enough to distract me from the rolling hills of the course! What makes this race stand out is the obvious dedication and passion from the race director. There were SO many signs, all of which made me laugh and made it a very fun time. Categories of signs included: cows, hill marker (identifying how many of the 15 major hills runners had left), mile markers, inspirational quotes and more.

For a small race (capped at 1000 runners this year), it was EXTREMELY well organized. I was even able to grab a bagel and water before starting my race, which was unexpected and awesome. There were masseuses available after the race, as well as a small but sufficient first aid tent. Post-race food was pizza, bagels, baked goods, and fresh milk and chocolate milk from the farm! Highly recommend!


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This was the first year of this race, and it went off almost seamlessly! When an issue with buses caused a delay, the race organizers clearly communicated the new start … MORE

This was the first year of this race, and it went off almost seamlessly! When an issue with buses caused a delay, the race organizers clearly communicated the new start time and made sure it went off smoothly. The course was well maintained and fairly flat, with lots of amazing cheering groups. The after-race party was great, with a beer tent, sandwiches and free massages. I hope to run this one again.


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This year was the inaugural year of this race. I ADORED the course and ran my personal best time here - the course had so much variety and a great … MORE

This year was the inaugural year of this race. I ADORED the course and ran my personal best time here – the course had so much variety and a great combo of slight uphills and downhills, and then ventured through the woods and on the bike path. I would highly recommend to anyone who likes the scenery to be mixed up a little bit.

As much as I loved racing this course, the inaugural race was really poorly facilitated. 5-10 minutes before the scheduled start time, there were still no runners lined up! Perhaps because it was cold and many people were huddled inside. The shortcoming was the announcer. It was hard to hear, and the announcer did not share much information or direct people to get lined up for the start. We were all lined up and ready to go when he announced that we would be delayed for a few minutes due to a truck blocking the route about 2 miles in. Then he provided an update that there was another hazard. This continued every couple of minutes, until the race began about 30 minutes late. The announcer was rather unprofessional about it, and kept “shushing” the crowd with phrases like, “Ladies, quiet down!”. It was almost comical for a women’s race.

At the end of the race, I went to the medical tent to find some ice for my leg that was bothering me. I stood there for a few minutes and came back a couple times, but there was no one manning the tent and no clear area for assistance. I ended up going without ice, which was fine… but was surprised that there was not more assistance available.

Despite the few strange hiccups with this inaugural race, I am definitely hoping to run it again. I really enjoyed the course, the medal and shirts were very nice, and there were plenty of photos taken and shared!


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As my 9th half marathon, this race will forever stand out to me as the best race I have ever run. It is such a large race and it is … MORE

As my 9th half marathon, this race will forever stand out to me as the best race I have ever run. It is such a large race and it is amazing that it is so well-organized.

1. The bus system was well-run and well-communicated. I arrived very late and really struggled to find the location for bus pick-up. I still made it, and even though I was on one of the last buses to the starting line, I still had more than ample time to warm up, use the restroom, or hang out by the heating lamps (!!) that were provided around the start.

2. They set off fireworks at the start! So neat.

3. The race itself was a lot of highway running. I really enjoyed it, and surprisingly did not find it to be boring. The scenery was still very pretty, and it was a lot of fun. The cheer sections were amazing and helped time go by quickly.

4. The people were the best! Having signed up for the race alone and as an out-of-towner, I befriended a group of ladies who welcomed me into their group as we rode the bus and warmed up together. I strained a calf muscle around mile 7, and no more than a few seconds after pulling off to the side, a runner stopped to offer some icy hot that allowed me to finish the race (with a personal best time)! It was an incredible community feel.

5. The after-race expo was unreal. Free massages by Massage Envy, french toast, and all the snacks you can imagine. There were vendors of all types, and it was a great time!

I registered for next year’s event as soon as I finished the race. I will certainly be back!


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I really enjoyed this race, from the packet pickup/running expo to the post-race party. I would highly recommend it for anyone looking for a fast course and a good running … MORE

I really enjoyed this race, from the packet pickup/running expo to the post-race party. I would highly recommend it for anyone looking for a fast course and a good running community.

At the start this year, the temperature was 35 degrees. We definitely hadn’t planned for that, so I would definitely recommend anticipating colder temperatures in the morning! All in all, it was a good course that definitely had a bit of a hill around the end… but I would recommend it.


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This was my first half marathon ever, and I keep coming back. I love racing in Portland, ME, and this race stands out to me for the stellar communication, promotion, … MORE

This was my first half marathon ever, and I keep coming back. I love racing in Portland, ME, and this race stands out to me for the stellar communication, promotion, small expo, and atmosphere. I certainly have never run my fastest half marathon, as the hills near the beginning and then in the middle and end can be challenging.

The atmosphere is wonderful – the DJ/emcee is lively and upbeat, and it is hard not to get excited before the race even starts. One nice touch is that they usually offer cold towels around mile 11 – very needed on a hot day!

The coolest part about this race is that you run along the water for so long. A running tour of Portland ME is incredible. From viewing the ocean to exploring neighborhoods… all the way to running alongside the highway for a little bit, you barely get bored.

The after race party makes it an all-around festive event. I love staying for the beer, music, and general atmosphere.

This year, they changed the course from beginning on the pier to beginning/ending in the heart of the city. I found this a little disappointing, because starting on the pier was pretty cool. The finish felt impractical, because the final stretch was across very bumpy cobblestones that prevented me from finishing as strong as I would have liked.

Aside from the slight course change, I would highly recommend this well-organized and planned out race!


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This was one of the most exciting and swag-filled races I have ever participated in. The expo included so many vendors and give-aways, and I LOVE the performance long-sleeve and … MORE

This was one of the most exciting and swag-filled races I have ever participated in. The expo included so many vendors and give-aways, and I LOVE the performance long-sleeve and the tech shirt that were included with registration!

The views were stunning. It was incredible to run along the coast and see the water and palm trees alongside the road.

I would not recommend the course for someone who has not been training and who is not used to hills. It felt as though the first 6 miles were consistently uphill, directly into the rising sun. By mile 6, I was overheated and exhausted. I really wish that it was possible to begin the half marathon with the marathon, which starts an hour earlier. With a little less of the sun’s intensity on the uphills, it might have been a bit more bearable!

All in all, I really hope to run this race again someday when I am a little better prepared for the hills and the heat. It was a wonderful experience in a location that lends itself to a great vacation!


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When the Grand Teton Half Marathon sold out, I registered for this one instead. I would do it every year if I lived closer! For such a small race, it … MORE

When the Grand Teton Half Marathon sold out, I registered for this one instead. I would do it every year if I lived closer! For such a small race, it was amazingly organized. I rode the bus to the start line and honestly did not have to think for myself even once! The team provided clear directions, and it felt like a small little community.

The scenery was gorgeous, although it basically just goes along a bike path. I saw a moose in person for the first time ever and it was INCREDIBLE! Seeing the mountains at the start and during the race was also pretty amazing.

Although at altitude, the race was not markedly more challenging for me. This was my second half marathon ever, and I was just happy to have completed it. An extra bonus was the free massages they offered at the end – definitely a plus! I enjoyed exploring Jackson Hole afterward, and even got to visit Grand Teton National Park.


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