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Overall Rating (1 Review)
(1 Rating)  (1 Review)
Georgia: It’s on your mind. It’s on ours too. We kick off Southern Discomfort in Georgia, the Peach State, where every soda is a Coke and where we’ve been Gone with the Wind and we’ve driven Miss Daisy. The only driving you’ll be doing, though, is to the start of … MORE
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    kmerskine FIRST-TIMER '18

    So I ran this race in 2018 but cannot find my results on the race page. So it may be that my chip time did not register. No idea why. … MORE

    So I ran this race in 2018 but cannot find my results on the race page. So it may be that my chip time did not register. No idea why. My Garmin Fenix shows a time of 2:11 though, so that’s what I’ve entered. Not sure if maybe my chip was faulty or if their chip timing wasn’t up to the job.

    This course is on a beautiful lake in Guntersville. It’s on a sidewalk that runs along the lake the entire way. However, this is a loop course and I think maybe we had to do 10 or 12 loops, and although it was a small race – maybe 150 people, at most, between all of the races? – it felt crowded the entire time. This was not something I enjoyed and I’ve not run another of the Sweet Southern Discomfort races for this reason.

    As I understand it, the race organizers deliberately choose looped courses so that they can have a single aid station, which admittedly does make race organization a heck of a lot easier, I would imagine. And the single aid station is a runner’s dream…. or maybe a nightmare if you can’t control yourself with all of the yummy goodies at the aid station. Literally, this is a smorgasbord of junk food (we’ll call it energy food) that you can eat all along the way. You get your own plastic cup and you write your name on it, and you re-use it each time you come around for a new loop. That part was great, and that’s what attracted me to this race to begin with. I like races with a lot of good food, during or after the race.

    Parking was easy, and not more than a 1 minute walk from the start line. Packet pick up was also easy on race day. You’d need to drive to the race though, there isn’t any lodging within easy walking distance.

    Beautiful scenery, great food, good organization, but due to the looped and crowded course I’d not do this race again. These are popular races though and it’s not a bad race at all.


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  1. Races
  2. Sweet Southern Discomfort (GA)