Come out to lovely Lake Sylvia State Park near Montesano for Run Forest Run. The race offers the runner the choice between the 25K and 50K distances. The race will start and finish in the state park but most of the course will travel on trails through the neighboring working forest owned by the City of Montesano.
The 25K course is a loop which consists mostly of double or single track trail and gravel road with less than two miles of paved road. The 50K is completed by running a second loop around the 25K course. The course has approximately 2,400 feet of elevation gain which is spread out over numerous short climbs. The start and finish will travel along the shoreline of Lake Sylvia while the balance of the course will take the runner through either forest or recently clearcut areas. Sections of the trail are rough, rutted, and/or muddy, and as it is winter, expect to get wet and dirty.
There will be two aid stations, at the start/finish and approximately half way around the loop. The aid stations will be stocked with water, and the usual assortment of candy, cookies, chips, fruit, and gels offered at most ultras.
There will be a four hour cutoff time at the finish line for 50K runners to be allowed to start a second loop. As daylight hours are still short in February the safety of runners and volunteers requires this cutoff.
OlyTrailRunners is a Non-Profit dedicated to supporting the local trail running community and preservation of recreational trails in the greater Olympia area. To keep our events inclusive and promote running for everyone we keep our entry fees low.
Please be courteous of the trails (i.e., no littering) and help us to maintain our good standing with the state park and the city so we can continue to offer this race in the future.