The Quad Dipsea is two out-and-back trips along the famed Dipsea Trail. The race starts and finishes at Old Mill Park in Mill Valley, California. Unlike the (single) Dipsea and Double Dipsea, short cuts are not permitted! You must run the trail as marked. Most of the trail is single …
The Quad Dipsea is two out-and-back trips along the famed Dipsea Trail. The race starts and finishes at Old Mill Park in Mill Valley, California. Unlike the (single) Dipsea and Double Dipsea, short cuts are not permitted! You must run the trail as marked.
Most of the trail is single track. There are LOTS of stairs – 686 in the first three flights alone, some stretches of clean trail, and some stretches with a lot of roots and rocks. There is a total of 9200 feet of climb and an equal amount of descent in the 28 miles.
Stairs, hills, and more hills. About 9,000 feet of vertical packed into 28 miles. It begins at 7:30AM at Old Mill Park (Throckmorton Avenue, Cascade Way, & Old Mill Street intersection), in Mill Valley, California. Within a few hundred yards the course heads up three flights of stairs as tall as a fifty-story building, and up some more through an old horse ranch to Windy Gap. Then it plunges down into Muir Woods, across Redwood Creek, and begins a tough grind up through both trees and grasslands over trail sections named “Dynamite”, “The Hogsback”, “The Rainforest”, and “Cardiac.” At the top of Cardiac, the course levels out with panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean before it plunges down over the rocks, roots, and stairs of “Steep Ravine” and the discouragingly steep but short climb up “Insult Hill.” Finally, as the course follows the relatively gentle slope of The Moors toward the ocean, Stinson Beach is in sight a mile ahead.
Once to Stinson, you turn around an head back to Old Mill Park following the same course.
And then do it all over again for the QUAD!!
Note: unlike the Dipsea and Double Dipsea, the Quad Dipsea does not allow shortcuts. You must stay on the Dipsea Trail the entire way.)
Super Easy Run (totally not true!) :)
This race is without a doubt one of the toughest races I've ever done. Every 50k (aside from Diablo) and 50 miler I've done just don't compare. With that said. … MORE
This race is without a doubt one of the toughest races I’ve ever done. Every 50k (aside from Diablo) and 50 miler I’ve done just don’t compare. With that said. It is one of my all time faves now! The race starts in Mill Valley, goes to Stinson Beach, then back, then repeat. 4 trips on the famous Dipsea Trail. 28.4 miles, and 8,500′ of gain. Aside from the ascends and descends, it’s all flat. 🙂 LOL.
The organization of this race is top notch. Tons of volunteers to help you along the way. Be it crossing a road, or supporting you at aid stations, they’ve definitely got you covered. This year they did all the usual food/etc at the aid stations, but the volunteers handed you the items you wanted. They also had little baggies filled with things like pretzels, which was really great. They would fill up my water bottles and I’d stuff a bag of pretzels in my pocket and take off. Everyone was so great and supportive during the race. There is an aid station at mile 4 (Cardiac) and one just before the Stinson Beach turn around (~mile 7). Also one at the start, for the half-way turn around. This means you have plenty of places to eat or fill your water (at miles ~4, 7, 10, 14, 18, 21, 24, finish). Also, because this is a 2x out-and-back, you get to see everyone three times. Which is really helpful, especially in the latter parts of the race, when your legs are on fire! Everyone was so supportive and encouraging! After the race there were awesome full sized sandwiches as well as lots of drink options. Along with the shirt, this year we also got a Quad buff and a hat.
I definitely recommend this race!!
Climbing the Stairway to Cardiac
I ran this race last year for the first time last year and despite the difficulty of the course, there’s so many reasons why the race sells out year after … MORE
I ran this race last year for the first time last year and despite the difficulty of the course, there’s so many reasons why the race sells out year after year!
The Dipsea Trail is a famous Bay Area trail that goes from Mill Valley to Stinson Beach. Other than a few slightly flat and short sections, the trail is either ascending or descending and also contains just a few stairs.
The initial climb out of Mill Valley is around 700 stairs, broken up into three sections. Once you are able to catch your breath, you still have a decent amount of uphill through a residential neighborhood before your legs get a break with mostly a grinding downhill. You cross a creek only to find yourself going up another hill that turns into more uphill and eventually you’ll find yourself at Cardiac where then views can’t be beat! If your legs aren’t tired by then (almost 4 miles in), they’ll surely be tired on the descent that’ll eventually bring you to Stinson beach; there are countless roots, rocks and uneven boards (stairs) built into the trail to get you there. Be warned of the confused tourists on breezy summer days who won’t know where to move on the trail when you come barreling down it screaming “on your left!”
“Quad” Dipsea is exactly how it sounds. It’s the Dipsea trail, but going up and down that trail a total of four times, which is only something those who enjoy suffering pay to do. Once you get to the turnaround in Stinson Beach, you head back to Mill Valley where you do it all over again!
The race is 28.4 miles, over 9,000 feet of elevation gain and thousands of stairs to go up and down over and over. Thankfully, there is wood fired pizza at the end that makes it all worth it because it’s baked right there! The Race Director puts on an amazing race, the volunteers are exceptional and if you’re really lucky, you’ll have great weather. This year, we were unfortunate enough to have terrible wind and pelting rain. But finishers also received the coveted Quad Dipsea shirt and a Patagonia fanny pack!
This race is definitely one I will recommend and continue to come back to.
Double Double Dipsea is 2x the FUN!
This has been on my bucket list for several years, but the idea of running a double Double Dipsea was very intimidating. This year, I finally summoned the courage to … MORE
This has been on my bucket list for several years, but the idea of running a double Double Dipsea was very intimidating. This year, I finally summoned the courage to register and toe the line, despite weather forecasts that included flash floods, rain, and strong winds.
Lap 1 – Mill Valley to Stinson Beach. 7:30am start. Overcast and cool with hardly a breeze. Perfect running weather! So much fun!!! Bottleneck on the stairs right off the bat. But hey, that’s smart pacing. Had a great time leapfrogging and chatting with Janeth, Tony, Mike, Candice, Norma, David, and Erica. And cheered for all the runners who were already heading back. This is why they call this a party on trails! Got to Stinson Beach in under 2 hours and saw Todd. Excellent!
Lap 2 – Stinson Beach to Mill Valley. A soft drizzle started. I felt warm so decided to not put on my rain jacket yet. High-fived and fist bumped with so many friends running the race. Cheered again for runners who were now in their third lap. Arrived at the start/finish in 3:51, almost 40 minutes under the 4hr30min cutoff. Yay! I had time to run to the restroom and grab more fuel from my drop bag.
Lap 3 – Mill Valley to Stinson Beach. As I was heading out for my 3rd lap, the eventual winner, coach and author David Roche, was coming in fast. When I gave him a cheer, he stopped, gave me a hug, and said some words of encouragement. This is what makes ultra running so great and awesome!!! I continued on towards Cardiac, the rain falling a little more steadily now. I got to enjoy some miles with Darlene. She’s so steady and pulled me right along. I finally donned my jacket after Cardiac. The ridge towards Stinson Beach is very exposed, and the forecasted strong winds had now materialized. It took me 22 minutes more to complete this lap vs. my first time, but still well under the 6hr45min cutoff.
Lap 4 – Stinson Beach to Mill Valley. Rain fell in sheets and the wind blew strongly as we headed back to Cardiac. I hiked to Cardiac with Jose and I got very cold. I tried to use some hand warmers but it didn’t quite work because my gloves were soaked. I couldn’t stay warm enough. The only thing I could do was move as quickly as I could. Thankfully, my legs were still there and my knees held up from the thousands of stairs. I finally got to the finish in 8:25:18. Cutoff is 9 hours.
This was my 40th lifetime and 1st sub-50K ultramarathon. Also my first Quad Dipsea. I can’t wait to earn my 10-year jacket! 😍
This truly is a party on trails, a fitting celebration of the trail running community at the end of another wonderful year. Huge thanks to the RD John Catts, and the many volunteers who selflessly stood in the cold and rain for hours to make sure runners were safe and cared for. Thank you, Leigh-Ann, Kristy, Shannon, Ed, Mark, Errol, Charlene, Joyce, Jay, Victor and Max, and so many others. We couldn’t have done it without you!
I should have brought a map and compass.
Back in the mid-1980's when I did my first couple of Escape From Alcatraz triathlons, the run was the Double Dipsea. This the 7.1 mile run from Mill Valley, over … MORE
Back in the mid-1980’s when I did my first couple of Escape From Alcatraz triathlons, the run was the Double Dipsea. This the 7.1 mile run from Mill Valley, over Mt. Tamalpias down to Stinson Beach…and back. Each direction has about 2200 feet of vertical climbing plus it starts and ends with about 600+ stairs.
In the Quad Dipsea, as the name implies, it is an out and back and out and back course.
I got to the race start. I had heard this was an informal event, but it was both larger and more organized than I expected. It isn’t so much informal, as low-key and down-to-earth. Everyone was so friendly and helpful. In fact, it was very well organized. At the start I saw a few faces I recognized including Eric Clifton and Mark Tanaka. In the following race starting line shot, you will see Eric Clifton in his trademark loud tights standing next to eventual winner Erik Skaggs of Oregon (who was only the second person ever to run the Quad in sub-4 hours).
The weather was cold, clear and calm. It was perfect. Then the starting gun went off and we took off. Skaggs was flying up the hill with Clifton right behind him. We reached the stairs. These are quad crunching never-ending stairs.
Once we crested the stairs, it was a short run through a cul de sac and then down some stairs to a road. We were told to go about a quarter mile and then re-enter the trail by some mailboxes. Once we re-entered the Dipsea Trail, it was steps leading down towards Muir Woods. We crossed a parking lot and came to a small foot bridge crossing a stream.
The woods were beautiful. By now I had moved up and was somewhere into the top 10 or so runners. I was feeling great. The sun was peaking through the Redwood trees in Muir Woods.
Then it was a climb out of the woods up Cardiac Hill.
The trail got steep, but I plodded on. Every now and then I’d pass some one, but I was also passed every now and then. At one point I was behind a runner from Texas and he missed the trail fork. So I shouted to him and he came back and we ran up the trail together. We reached the first aid station on top of Cardiac hill (about 4.4 miles into the race). The views were stunning .
The trail started to drop back down now. It started with a mild decline, then quickly became steep switch-backs and finally series of stairs that were almost completely vertical at points. I finally reached the bottom. By me was the second place female runner – I found out her name was Jamie (because everyone was saying “Hi Jamie” when they passed her). Then we started up a short incline which Jamie informed me was called Little Insult. After cresting that, we had a full view of the Pacific Ocean and Stinson Beach.
About this point, the lead runners began approaching. Way out front with Erik Skaggs – he was flying and making it look easy. Soon, Eric Clifton came running towards me:I shouted hello and he did the same.
Jamie and I continued on. we were in the top 20, probably somewhere around 18th. Then we dropped down to the second aid station at Stinson Beach. We were 1 hour 8 minutes into the race. Working this aid station (among others) was ultra-legend Ann Trason. I was very pleased with my pace and how I was feeling and turned around to head back onto the trail.
As the trail started back up towards Cardiac, Jamie started to pull about a minute ahead of me. The third place woman came up from behind me. Her name was Kate and we chatted a bit as we ran. Finally, the trail leveled off and I started off to the Cardiac Hill aid station. Again, the views were amazing as the morning fog had burned away:
After the aid station, it was a downhill run. I started flying and was soon picking off runners here and there. Soon I passed Jamie. I kept going and passed another few runners. As I was really tearing down the mountain, I had to keep watching the trail for roots, rocks, holes and uneven ground. At one point I knew that I must be getting close to Muir Woods. The trail kept going down and I kept running. I hadn’t seen a runner for a bit. Soon I crossed a road and continued on a trail. After about 1/4 mile I came to a planked foot bridge. I immediately realized that I had not seen that before – I had gotten lost. So, I turned around and headed back. After 1/4 mile I saw a sign that said Dipsea Trail 0.5 Mile. #$%&*!! That meant I had added nearly 2 miles to my Quad. I knew my race was over at that point. I headed up the trail cursing at myself. I must have missed the fork in the trail while watching my footing.
As I continued up, I looked around. Despite being lost, the scenery was very pretty. One benefit of being so far from the 100’s of other runners, the local wildlife was not scared away (look carefully and you’ll see a mother doe and a fawn):
Soon I came back to the trail and followed it down to Muir Woods. I cursed myself all the way back to Old Mill Park at the start. I saw Eric, Mark, Jamie, Kate and other runners pass me in their direction already on their 3rd lap. When I got to the park, I guess my mood was evident as one of the volunteers looked at me and said “Welcome to Old Mill Park Mr. Cheerful”.
I didn’t know wheter to even continue the race. This was my 3rd marathon or longer race in 5 weeks. I really didn’t have to prove that I could finish the distance. I didn’t know why I would bother bashing my legs now that I was out of “race mode”. But I had never DNF’ed a race, so I decided to move forward. As I headed back up the stairs, a runner passed me and said “Hi there doctor.” I look at him and it was Mario – one of the two runners who had run the last 20 miles of Quicksilver 50 with me. He was fighting cramps, but was still running. I chatted with him for a bit. Soon, we got separated, but I would see him again later as we crossed paths near the top of Little Insult: Mario Sans Shirt means Business!
As I exited Muir Woods and began the climb up towards Cardiac, I passed the point of my wrong turn. I took the Road Less Traveled to the right…others took the Road Nore Traveled to the Left (they did slightly better than I):
Once I got to the Cardiac Aid Station, I decided to stop and sit down.
I stood back up and started running again. It was the downhill section towards Stinson Beach (with the exception of Little Insult) so I was feeling pretty good. Soon the race leaders came towards me. The first woman was Beth Vitalis – the same woman with whom I ran a lot of the Stevens Creek 50km. I saw Mark Tanaka looking strong also. Then I saw Eric Clifton approaching. I stopped and got a good position to snap his photo. He shouted: “You don’t appear to be in a hurry” as he passed. Behind Eric was Krissy Moehl, one of the best female ultra runners in the country.
I reached the turn-around and headed back. By the time I got to Muir Woods (yes, I made the correct turn this time) my legs were feeling a bit tired from the pounding. But I started jogging and went up the last flight of stairs up towards the cul de sac:
I then got to the finishing line after flying down those 600+ steps.Final time: 6 hours 15 minutes 40 seconds. Getting lost sure added time to my run….but it sure allowed me to enjoy the scenery more and take a few extra (and less blurry) photos. Hopefully it also added to my base and speed for the Sunmart 50 miler in 2 weeks.