Kick off the holiday and give back to a worthy cause! Join us for the annual Life Time Turkey Trot Chicago, a heartwarming tradition for the whole family. Enjoy a crisp fall Chicago Thanksgiving morning as you run or walk either the 5K or 8K course and then get the little ones’ energy out in the Kid’s Run.
Finish strong and then celebrate at the festive Turkey Day Tailgate where fall fun, food, and music abound. As a benefit for the Greater Chicago Food Depository, the Turkey Trot Chicago is a great way to give back and build up a Thanksgiving appetite in a fun way.
Be Cautious of walkers and strollers
Many families with children who walk 3 to 4 across. Many walkers join any corral instead of the walking corral Great view. Great snacks afterwards and selfies with Turkey mascot MORE
Many families with children who walk 3 to 4 across. Many walkers join any corral instead of the walking corral
Great view. Great snacks afterwards and selfies with Turkey mascot