Allison Woods Halloween Hobble is located just north of Statesville NC. It is a 4 miler, 6 hr, 12 hr, 24hr, and 100 mile endurance run. This will be a fun race For beginners and veterans alike. You will have 30 hours to complete the 100 mile event, this is …
Allison Woods Halloween Hobble is located just north of Statesville NC. It is a 4 miler, 6 hr, 12 hr, 24hr, and 100 mile endurance run. This will be a fun race For beginners and veterans alike. You will have 30 hours to complete the 100 mile event, this is going to be a great running weekend and costume contest extravaganza!!!
For the relay, you can have a 4, 6, or 8 person team. Each lap will count as one lap, no matter how many people from your team run the lap. Each participant will receive a medal for participation. But awards in the timed events, 4 mile, and 100 mile individual will be top three overall. And the relay will have one award to the fastest team.
The Course will be in Allison’s Woods which is a private property. It will Be a 4 mile Loop course, which will take place on service roads. It runs mostly through wooded areas around a pond, and you will cross over an airplane strip at the start and finish.