Beer, music and running: one great way to spend the evening!! It’s 5 o’clock somewhere! And at the Davis Rocktobrewfest event, that’s when the horns sounds and the fun begins. Come join us for an evening where all the pieces fall into place: exercise, drinks, friends, music and fun. This …
Beer, music and running: one great way to spend the evening!!
It’s 5 o’clock somewhere! And at the Davis Rocktobrewfest event, that’s when the horns sounds and the fun begins. Come join us for an evening where all the pieces fall into place: exercise, drinks, friends, music and fun. This year’s event will take place at Schilling Robotics in East Davis and includes 5K and 5 mile options. After your run or walk, enjoy beer and live music. Your 5K and 5 Mile entry includes a finisher medal and a tasting glass for post-race festivities. A commemorative t-shirt is available if you would like one; cost is $6.00. For those who are designated drivers, under 21 or who don’t consume alcohol, we will have sno-cones.
Nice easy race
This is a fairly flat race which is all on paved surfaces (I think.) The only elevation changes are going down and up some underpasses. Part of it goes through … MORE
This is a fairly flat race which is all on paved surfaces (I think.) The only elevation changes are going down and up some underpasses. Part of it goes through 2 different parks, so there is some decent scenery.
The signs were clearly marked, so there was little chance of going the wrong way (the 5-milers turned one way, the 5K-ers the other way.) There was a decent amount of cheering from the volunteers and people along the streets we were running on.
The swag included a finishers’ medal and an optional tech t-shirt (which I paid $6 for.) We also got to enjoy a glass of IPA beer after the race. (This was a 5 pm race, so the beer definitely hit the spot.)
Overall, I enjoyed the race and will probably do it again.